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South Africa’s Stringent New Immigration Regulations

South Africa, a developed nation with a net migration rate of -6.27 migrants per 1,000 people, has enacted a series of stringent new immigration regulations that went into effect on May 26. These regulations address traveling with children, yellow fever laws, and passport validity; new laws specifically concerning children will not go into effect until October 1, 2014.

Children and those traveling with them must now produce certain documents that meet specific requirements, depending on the relationship of travelers escorting the children and their final destination. Refer to the Traveling With Children annex (below) for more details.

New laws regarding yellow fever apply to all travelers entering South Africa via yellow fever-designated countries, even if a flight is stopping at an airport to refuel and no travelers deplane. Travelers must be prepared to produce an original yellow fever vaccination card; South Africa will no longer provide vaccinations at ports of entry, so travelers must obtain a vaccination no less than ten days before arriving there.

Finally, expatriates and others working in South Africa must return to their respective countries of origin to apply for a new visitor’s visa (including a renewal application for an expired visa). This includes anyone who seeks to transition from a visitor’s visa to a resident visa.

Annex:  Traveling With Children

Beginning October 1, South African customs will require parents traveling with one or more children to comply with the following regulations regarding their child(ren):

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