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A US Legal Perspective on Global and Domestic Business Travel

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How do the US 50 states’ workers’ compensation laws protect US businesses and their global and domestic travelers at home and abroad?

Business Travel by United States companies has grown exponentially over the past years.  As a result, both the foreseen and unforeseen liabilities for businesses and their traveling employees raise viable concerns for all involved.  Employers yearn to know how duty of care, if any, state law, interstate law, federal law or international law impacts their businesses, employees domestically and overseas, and their potential liability.  At the same time, individual employees undertaking the inherent risks of domestic and international travel need to be aware of their potential remedies in dire circumstances.  The employee cannot naively assume their company’s policies, state laws or even federal laws protect them in any given circumstance.  Many different factors come into play when routine business trips take a turn for the worse.  These factors include the differing business policies, state workers’ compensation laws, insurance, federal law, international law and choice of law between states and nation states.  After a full analysis, both business and employee may benefit by exploring optional additional insurance for greater security.  As business travel proves to be a core component of a successful business strategy and increased profits, a clear understanding of the aforementioned issues proves to be vital.

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Stephen Barth

Brenda-Lee Ravdel

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