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What’s on the Menu?

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently released two final rules for menu and vending machine labeling. “Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food Establishments” significantly expands FDA’s regulatory reach into restaurants and beyond. The rule stems from the Affordable Care Act and the compliance date is Dec. 1.

FaegreBD partner and leader of the firm’s food litigation and regulatory practice Sarah Brew, and associate Courtney Lawrence authored an article for Food & Drink explaining the new rules and what will be required to be in compliance.

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Sarah L. Brew: Sarah Brew leads the firm’s food litigation and regulatory practice, which is nationally ranked byChambers USA, and is a leader of the firm’s food and agriculture industry group. Sarah has a national reputation for effectively defending food industry clients against labeling and class action consumer fraud claims and representing food processors, distributors and retailers in foodborne illness and contamination cases and supply chain disputes.

Courtney A. Lawrence : Courtney Lawrence is a member of the nationally ranked food litigation and regulatory practice and the national food and agriculture industry team. Her diverse practice encompasses litigation, regulatory and transactional matters for food and agribusiness clients.
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