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The Move to Traveler Centricity

A new generation of Millennial employees (21 to 30 year olds) is poised to become a stronghold in the workforce—and they are bringing their intensive technology habits with them. A proliferation of consumer and business-focused mobile travel apps and websites designed to meet the needs of this new generation is taking its place alongside traditional corporate online booking tools and consumer travel websites. As a result, those Millennial travelers, along with more experienced colleagues who have also adopted intensive ties to technology, have more options than ever when it comes to searching and booking travel. They are using these options regardless of whether such options are approved by their corporations or not.

While the procurement practices that have become a standard part of managed travel over the past decade remain firmly in place, forward-thinking corporate travel managers are responding to these changing consumer and tech forces by looking for new ways to connect with their travelers and ensure that corporate policies and tools continue to serve traveler needs as well as corporate needs.

To that end, the concept of “traveler centricity”—a focus on the needs and wants of the corporate traveler in order to ensure those needs are being met—has come to the forefront in the travel manager toolbox. “It’s our responsibility to find the right solutions—solutions that our travelers want to use,” said Doug Weeks, director of global sourcing at consulting company Booz & Company.

This white paper will explore the importance of traveler centricity, as well as highlight a variety of approaches travel managers can use today to increase traveler satisfaction and drive desired behaviors.

Download the whitepaper here: The Move to Traveler Centricity

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