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Active Shooter Response Planning

With every news flash of a workplace active shooter incident, now almost monthly, it becomes increasingly evident that organizations/businesses/schools need an Active Shooter Response Plan. Furthermore, this is not a one size fits all challenge. Granted, the plan from one organization or institution to another may have some common reaction guidelines. Most of the active shooter response videos and training courses available promote a variation of the ‘run/hide/fight’ responses. However, the way your employees/occupants apply these concepts in an actual incident needs to be specific to the uniqueness of your facility.

Yes, in fact there are only three response choices for facility occupants to rely upon:

However to be practical and effective, tailored active shooter response protocolshave to take into account several factors such as:

These are just to name a few.

Other factors will influence the variations of how ‘get out/hide out/take out’is applied and which of these response options are selected under what conditions. Having a generic plan which defines the three basic options is only the beginning. Accounting for the uniqueness of your facility and giving example circumstances to prepare each occupant to know specifically how they should react in a situation is the key to developing an effective active shooter response plan.

Then the plan must be tested and rehearsed. Include the local emergency responders in the refinement of your plan. Lessons learned from other incidents that have occurred, and from your own rehearsals, can be used to further modify and tailor your active shooter response plan; the one that might become part of your legal defense and your clear conscience. Facility management has a legal and moral responsibility to have an active shooter response plan that is practical and will give people a chance to survive. It’s the right thing to do.

For more detailed training regarding active shooter response guidelines see our course at

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