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Corporate Travel Focus 2014 – Data Security, Travel Risk Management and Mobile Tech

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Travel data security, risk management while traveling to emerging countries and demand for additional mobile technology will be the focus for corporates next year, says corporate travel management company HRG.

Travel Data Security

The UK-based TMC recommends corporates have a global data consolidation strategy in order to mitigate risks associated with data protection and privacy. It says enforcing this strategy will mean quality control assurances will be put in place to protect corporate and traveller information. HRG Group commercial director Stewart Harvey says:

“Data protection and privacy concerns have dominated the news agenda in 2013. Well publicised incidents involving compromised corporate data, and the risks this brings to personal privacy, has sharpened clients focus on the security of their travel related data.”

Travel Risk Management

HRG says corporates will increase their risk management capabilities in response to increased travel to emerging markets, particularly in South East Asia and West Africa, and concerns over traveller safety. The company recommends including a crisis response capability as these new business geographies increase the scope of both traveller safety and security requirements. Harvey adds:

“All clients demand a level of control to ensure their corporate duty of care responsibilities are met. Travel managers require at the touch of the button the ability to see where their travellers are and have the risk management procedures in place to help them when they are in need.”

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