Risk Management

Disaster Reduction: Key Insights for Risk Managers & Corporate Executives

Introduction The need for comprehensive disaster risk management has never been more evident. In recent years, major storms, earthquakes, wildfires, tornados, derechos, and other destructive large-scale events have been significant. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there has already been a record number of billion-dollar disasters in the first eight months of 2023. ...
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Situational Awareness at Work: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

Situational awareness isn’t just a nice-to-have trait in the workplace, but a fundamental skill that impacts the success and safety of individuals and organizations as a whole. INSIDE THIS ARTICLE, YOU’LL FIND:What is situational awareness?Why situational awareness matters in the workplaceHow to improve situational awareness: Training and exercise In modern workplaces, the ability to navigate ...
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What Are Tabletop Exercises? A Guide to Crisis Preparedness

Tabletop exercises simulate real-life emergencies. If your organization has gaps in its crisis response, or there are disconnects between you and your vendors, this is the time to discover them. INSIDE THIS ARTICLE, YOU’LL FIND:1. What are tabletop exercises?2. What a tabletop exercise accomplishes3. How does a tabletop exercise work?4. Tips for effective tabletop exercises Today, ...
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Starbucks Asks SCOTUS for Clearer Standard for NLRB Injunctions: What Employers Need to Know

In a case before the Supreme Court, Starbucks says it fired several employees for violating valid company policies — but the National Labor Relations Board convinced a lower court to reinstate the employees while a legal battle ensues over whether they were actually fired for engaging in union organizing activities. The coffee chain argues the ...
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In the business world, navigating uncertainty requires a proactive approach. Explore these five strategies that leaders use to identify potential threats and stay ahead of the curve. INSIDE THIS ARTICLE, YOU’LL FIND:The cost of ignoring emerging risks Proactive strategies for identifying emerging risks Next steps: Develop a risk management plan The global landscape feels more ...
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How To Create Effective Travel Risk Assessments For Work Trips

As the global landscape evolves, organizations must prioritize the well-being of their travelers through strategic planning and continuous improvement. Travel risk assessments are part of the foundation of that effort. INSIDE THIS ARTICLE, YOU’LL FIND:What is travel risk?What are the components of a travel risk assessment?How to prepare an assessment Every great organization that sends ...
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Ransomware Costs Businesses Record-High $1 Billion in 2023: Your 5-Step Plan to Prevent Attacks in 2024

2023 was the most devastating year yet for ransomware attacks, with businesses forking over $1 billion in ransom payments for the first time ever – and 2024 is expected to be even worse. Beyond the payments, the average cost of each ransomware attack last year was over $5 million. Given these unprecedented statistics, ransomware attacks ...
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Property Insurance Coverage for Emerging Risk: Underground Climate Change

Abstract: Studies have shown that heat emanating from basements, train tunnels, sewers, and other underground systems in major metropolises in the United States and Europe is heating the ground between city surfaces and the bedrock by as much as 27 degrees Fahrenheit. This “underground climate change” is affecting ground soil conditions, causing structural strains on ...
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What is an Emergency Action Plan? A Guide for Businesses Preparing for Crisis

 An emergency action plan helps ensure safety and well-being within a workplace or community space during emergencies. How can you create and maintain one of your own?  Our interconnected and disrupted global landscape – rife with political, economic, and climate turmoil – is forcing businesses everywhere to prepare for various emergencies that could impact their ...
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System hacked warning alert on notebook (Laptop). Cyber attack on computer network, Virus, Spyware, Malware or Malicious software. Cyber security and cybercrime. Compromised information internet.

Scammers Exploiting Corporate Transparency Act To Get Your Private Information

With the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) going into effect on January 1, 2024, it should come as no surprise that bad actors are already exploiting the new law to collect personal information from companies and use it for unlawful purposes. As we discussed in an earlier CSG Law client alert, The Corporate Transparency Act: How Will ...
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