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Chicago Passes Short-Term Rental Ordinance

The City of Chicago enacted an ordinance that regulates Chicago’s shared housing and vacation rental industry (shared housing ordinance). The shared housing ordinance imposes regulations, registration and licensing requirements, booking surcharges, and reporting requirements on short-term residential rental intermediaries and advertising platforms. Hosts that operate more than one short-term rental in Chicago are also subject to additional regulations under the shared housing ordinance. This Update highlights the main points of the shared housing ordinance.

For a detailed discussion on Chicago’s shared housing ordinance, see Practice Note, Chicago’s Shared Housing Ordinance (IL).

Internet Providers

There are generally two types of internet providers for short-term rentals:

(Chicago Municipal Code § 4-13-100.)

Rental Intermediary

A rental intermediary under the shared housing ordinanceis any person or entity that for compensation or for a fee:

A shared housing unit is a dwelling unit that:

(Chicago Municipal Code §§ 4-6-300, 4-13-100, 4-14-010, and 17-17-0104-S.)

Advertising Platform

An advertising platform is any person or entity that for compensation or for a fee:

(Chicago Municipal Code § 4-13-100.)

An advertising platform typically:

(Chicago Municipal Code § 4-13-100.)

Shared Housing Surcharge and Hotel Accommodations Tax

The shared housing ordinance imposes a tax of 4% of the gross rental or leasing charge for a short-term rental (shared housing surcharge). The purpose of shared housing surcharge is to fund supportive services for:

Up to 8% of the shared housing surcharge is used to enforce the shared housing ordinance with the remaining revenue for supportive services.

The shared housing surcharge is in addition to an existing hotel accommodations tax of 4.5% of the gross rental or leasing charge that is imposed on short-term rentals for a total tax of 8.5%.

(Chicago Municipal Code § 3-24-030.)

License Fees

The shared housing ordinance requires that certain entities and individuals pay a license fee to operate within Chicago.

A rental intermediary must pay a license fee of:

An advertising platform must pay a license fee of:

A shared housing unit operator must pay a license fee of $250.

(Chicago Municipal Code § 4-5-010.)

Obligations and Responsibilities

The shared housing ordinance also:

The shared housing ordinance imposes financial penalties on hosts for noncompliance with the ordinance.

For more information about the ordinance, see City of Chicago: Shared Housing Surcharge. For a copy of the shared housing ordinance, see the Chicago of Chicago’s website.


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