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Safety & Security: Best Practices for Housekeepers in Hotels

Black female housekeeper replenishing toiletries in guest rooms in a hotelBlack female housekeeper replenishing toiletries in guest rooms in a hotel

Young African American chambermaid restocking supplies while cleaning guest rooms in hotel. Copy space.

This four-part video series from® focuses on essential housekeeping safety and security practices in the hotel industry. Moderated by Stephen Barth, with expert insights from Brad Bonnell, Vince Vittatoe, and Salvatore Caccavale, the series provides housekeepers with critical knowledge and actionable steps to enhance hotel safety.

This series equips management and housekeepers with the tools and knowledge to play a pivotal role in enhancing hotel safety, security, and guest satisfaction.

Video 1 introduces housekeepers as the “eyes and ears” of hotel safety, covering topics like recognizing signs of human trafficking and other illicit activities, reporting suspicious behaviors, and maintaining vigilance in guestroom observations.

Video 2 focuses on personal safety, emphasizing protocols to avoid entering occupied rooms, handling safety equipment like PPE, and emerging practices such as using panic buttons. It also covers safe trash handling to protect against injuries from hazardous materials.

For more information about fentanyl, check out out our blog post on Fentanyl in Hotels here and watch our video on Fentanyl in Hotels here.

Video 3 explores hotel security protocols, including best practices for managing keys, ensuring proper verification for room access, and how to handle encounters with individuals requesting entry, including those claiming to be law enforcement.

For more information on Electronic Key System Security, watch our video: Hotel Guest Privacy & Security: The “Keys” to a Secure Guest Experience” here.

Video 4 rounds out the series by detailing daily routines to ensure guest safety, such as checking secondary locks, inspecting for bedbugs, and managing guest valuables, all of which contribute to a secure and trustworthy hotel environment.

For more information about fentanyl, check out out our blog post on Fentanyl in Hotels here and watch our video on Fentanyl in Hotels here.

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