Building a Travel Risk Management Program – 1st Edition

Building a Travel Risk Management Program: Traveler Safety and Duty of Care for Any Organization helps business and security professionals effectively manage traveler risk by showing them how to build a complete travel risk program. While global corporate travel risks are increasing exponentially, many security and business managers are not well-versed in the rapidly changing global landscape of travel risk, nor do they fully realize the multitude of risks their companies face if they don’t comply with their legal obligations—“duty of care”—for protecting their employees from foreseeable harm, which can cost a company in the form of extensive fines, productivity loss, business interruptions, stock price loss, litigation, and even potential bankruptcy.

This book is the first to bridge the gap between the topics of travel management, security, and risk management. It serves as a reference point for working with other departments, including human resources and legal, paving the way for better internal cooperation for travel managers and security managers. In addition, it helps organizations craft a travel risk management program for their unique needs that incorporates the most important policies and procedures that help them comply with legal obligations.


Brought to you by Bex Deadmen and Assent Risk Management, Talk’n TRM explores what Travel Risk Management is in organisations. The podcast will feature Bex talking to a variety of people with a passion for TRM, including travel & risk suppliers, travel managers, security managers and consultants. In each episode, Bex and her guest will discuss how they entered the TRM industry and why it is important to them. The show will explore all areas of TRM, to help organisations understand its importance and where they can begin their TRM journey.


Worldwide Threat Assessment | July 2018
The goal of this report is to provide an overview of global security developments that have taken place over the first half of the year. It assesses their impacts, examines trends, and focuses on how these events will shape future safety and security concerns for global businesses and international travelers.

Global HR Hot Topic | December 2014
As of late 2014, the United States faced no Ebola pandemic whatsoever. The odds of catching Ebola in an American workplace remained statistically zero. Only a handful of Ebola cases had made their way to the United States, and a few hospitals aside, every American workplace remained Ebola-free.

Duty of Care of Employers for Protecting International Assignees, their Dependents, and International Business Travelers| 2009
International work and travel are an integral part of the daily operations of a multinational company (“MNC”). MNCs seeking growth opportunities and lower costs of production have embraced globalization, and increasing numbers of employees are now being required to work outside their countries of residence as expatriates or international business travelers

Secure Lines: Protecting Your Meeting Content | 2013
When Mitt Romney’s now infamous statement that 47 percent of voters are too dependent on the government was secretly recorded at a private fundraiser in Boca Raton, FL, it was more than just a turning point in the 2012 presidential election.

Your Basic Guide To Business Travel Abroad | 2013
You’re probably familiar with common business practices in the U.S. and less accustomed to the way things are done abroad. That’s OK; most people are in the same boat. But if you do plan to travel for work, you should know that many of our customs don’t fly overseas–and you’ll want to do the necessary research before you go.

What Duty of Care Do Employers Owe Mobile Employees?


Legal Perspective on The Health, Safety and Security Responsibilities for US Mobile Workforce | 2017
Ebola. Terrorism. H1N1 influenza. Civil unrest. SARS. Tsunamis. The Zika Virus. Sound familiar? These are all global issues that have become commonly understood terms in the United States. While these are now commonly understood terms, however, understanding how to prevent issues like these from happening is not so commonly understood. ¹ In particular, understanding how employers can protect their employees both domestically and their workers abroad from these global issues, among others, is becoming a rising concern.

The Rapid Pace of Innovation in Travel | 2015
Innovation and change have always been driving factors in the evolution of travel, but now it’s happening at a much more accelerated pace. It seems we no longer track industry changes by looking at the calendar, but instead by looking at our watches.

Who, What, When, Where: How to Keep Travelers Safe | 2013
As a security manager, you have a challenge to manage risks your travelers and expatriates face when they head to that overseas conference, meeting or assignment. Today, the world appears smaller than ever before. Far-flung locations are more easily accessible than they were even a generation ago. There is the desire to venture off the beaten track away from highly commercial and well-known business environments. It’s the call to do something different and out of the norm coupled with the ability of easy access that attracts people to risky places.

Challenges in Travel by People with Disabilities | 2011
Presented By Lex Frieden – ILRU
Presented By Wendy Wilkinson – Southwest ADA Center

Mobility of Jurisdictions the Corporate Duty of Care Quagmire | 2011
Carla is an American-born French and British litigator, admitted to the Paris and London Bars. She specialized in transnational disputes and international arbitration, thereby acquiring experience in managing cross-cultural conflicts.

When Problems Arise: What To Expect from Consulates and Embassies | 2011
When Traveling Abroad. A Perspective from Chinese Practice When you are travelling abroad, enjoying yourself and relaxing is the first thing on your mind. But in the unlikely event of things going wrong, it’s nice to know there is help on hand in a foreign land from your own government.

Defining Our Global Duty of Care to Mobile Employees | 2016
Presented by Danielle Urban. She represents employers in a wide range of national and international labor and employment issues.

Insurance and Regulatory Considerations for Globally Mobile Individuals (Expatriates and Business Travelers) | 2014
I. International Landscape
II. Key Fact Patterns
III. Legal and Regulatory Complexity
IV. Five (5) Key Things to Consider

Integration of the Entire Corporate Enterprise into Travel Risk Management | 2013
Presented by Russ Cline, CSO, Westinghouse Nuclear
Presented by Bruce McIndoe, CEO, iJET International

Best Evacuation Practices in Volatile Circumstances| 2011
Bruce McIndoe is a recognized leader in the travel, intelligence and risk management industries. As President and cofounder of iJET, Mr. McIndoe is a key contributor to the company’s strategic growth. His technical achievements and visionary approach drove Business Travel News in naming him one of the “Top 25 Most Influential People in the Travel Industry” over the years, and the National Business Travel Association (NBTA) in selecting him as Co-Chair for their Travel and Meetings Risk Management Committee more recently.

Kidnapping – The Theory and Practice of Fear | 2011
Daniel Johnson oversees the Kidnap Response Operations for the Houston-based ASI Global Response. As the dedicated response consultant for Travelers Insurance, Daniel and his team have responded to more than 100 kidnap, extortion and piracy events around the world. He is widely sought after to provide direction and insight to the corporate world regarding kidnap prevention and training, crisis management planning and response.

Duty of Care of Employers for Protecting International Assignees, their Dependents, and International Business Travelers | 2009
International work and travel are an integral part of the daily operations of a multinational company (“MNC”). MNCs seeking growth opportunities and lower costs of production have embraced globalization, and increasing numbers of employees are now being required to work outside their countries of residence as expatriates or international business travelers.

PRM When All Your People Matter! | 2013
Presented by Bruce McIndoe, CEO. He is recognized leader in the risk management, travel and intelligence industries. He is a former member of the Homeland Security Technical Advisory Council (HSTAC) & former chairman of GBTA Risk Advisory Committee. He is iJET Founder – 1999

Best Practices for Evacuation | 2013
Presented by Mark Niblett, VP & Global Head of Security, Halliburton
Presented by Jackie Johnson, Global Corporate Crisis Manager, National Oilwell Varco
Presented by Charles Brossman, Senior Director, Global Travel Risk Management, FcM Travel Solutions

Defining Our Global Duty of Care to Mobile Employees | 2013
Presented by Mark Niblett, VP & Global Head of Security, Halliburton
Presented by Jackie Johnson, Global Corporate Crisis Manager, National Oilwell Varco
Presented by Charles Brossman, Senior Director, Global Travel Risk Management, FcM Travel Solutions

Defining the Scope of Duty of Care Owed by Travel Management Companies and Other Travel Agents to Clients | 2012
Jerry D. Hamilton is a founding managing shareholder of Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel, LLP, a Martindale Hubbell AV rated law firm. Mr. Hamilton has dedicated his practice to litigation, including, admiralty and maritime claims, hospitality law claims, transportation, medical and professional malpractice defense, personal injury defense, property and casualty, commercial litigation, products liability, and mass torts.

Meeting Your Duty of Care: Conducting Security Assessments of Hotels and Airlines | 2011
Based in Houston, James is a KBR Senior Manager who provides KBR employees across the globe the best security practices and training for the protection of project personnel, corporate information and overall business operations. James also serves as the Crisis Manager for KBR on the Global Crisis Management Team.


Global HR Hot Topic Global Employee Handbooks | 2014
Most every major American employer has issued an employee handbook explaining to its US staff how its US workplace works. It has been said that “[a] well written, lawful [US domestic] employee handbook has no downsides; it provides…all the flexibility necessary to address innumerable possibilities when it comes to employee actions and inactions.” (J.B. Sandburg, “Creating a Great Employee Handbook,”. In the United States, employee “handbooks”—which these days increasingly exist electronically on an organization’s intranet—summarize employees’ day-to-day terms and conditions of employment and benefits offerings. Staff handbooks cover topics as varied as “onboarding,” disciplinary rules, hours/work time/overtime, pay period, paid time off (absences, sickness policy, vacations, holidays), leave, benefits/health care/insurance, safety and security, dress code, smoking policy, expense reimbursement, access to employee emails/Internet, confidentiality, social networking and social media, coworker dating, antinepotism in hiring, “bounties” for recruiting new employees, discounts at local merchants, dispute resolution and many other subjects.

Global Equal Employment Opportunity Toolkit How to Fight Workplace Discrimination and Harassment and Promote Workplace Diversity on a Global Scale | 2013
Equal employment opportunity initiatives like policies, code of conduct provisions and training modules on discrimination, harassment and diversity have long been vital to domestic American employers. Now, in the global economy, the EEO issue has gone global. As US multinationals internationally align an ever-increasing list of human resources policies and “offerings,” their crossborder efforts at promoting fairness in the workplace have become increasingly vital.

Global Immigration: Challenges with International Business Travelers | 2014
Immigration compliance for international business travelers is a complex and multi-layered problem offering significant potential liability. Entry under an improper immigration category, unintentional work without required authorization, overstay of permitted entry or maximum total time in country, and inconsistent treatment of specific scenarios across countries, open travelers and their employees to financial penalties that can negatively impact business operations.

Global HR Hot Topic Individual Employment Dismissal Obligations Outside the US | 2013
US employers accustomed to American-style employment-at-will face a significant challenge when dismissing an overseas employee who enjoys generous protections under employee-friendly foreign legal regimes. Before “pulling the trigger” on a dismissal abroad, an employer needs to understand and comply with a number of specific dismissal obligations under foreign law

Global HR Hot Topic Duty to Protect Staff in Overseas Danger Zones Like Egypt | 2011
The political upheaval in Egypt had multinationals scrambling to understand what duties they owe their employees working in harm’s way—employees like Google’s regional marketing head Wael Ghonim, who was captured by Egyptian rioters and held for 10 days. Ghonim tweeted: “We are all ready to die.” (See S. Green, Corporate Counsel, 2/9/11.) On February 11, an Egyptian mob beat and sexually assaulted CBS News Foreign Correspondent Lara Logan.

Key Considerations | 2014
COMPLIANCE • Review all internal policies for procedures. • Review all relevant insurance policies for coverages, potential assistance and any requirements (notification, etc) to trigger coverage. • Review all 3rd party vendor contracts for potential requirements. • Understand the boundaries of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the impact those boundaries may have on your choices and/or potential consequences of those choices.

Understanding Foreign Voluntary Workers’ Comp Policies | 2013
In spite of videoconferencing, social media and other new technologies, many businesses depend on their key executives and top sales people to travel overseas to meet with clients in person, to negotiate with foreign business leaders and to explore potential new markets.

Accommodating People with Disabilities and Prosthetics | 2012
Hotels, inns, and other places of lodging have always maintained high standards for emergency preparedness. Like hospitals, shelters, and other types of facilities where people stay overnight, efficient evacuation in places of lodging can be especially challenging. People may be bathing or sleeping when an emergency occurs. Guests in places of temporary lodging are probably not as familiar with their surroundings as they may be in other settings, and the population of the facility changes on a daily basis! It is critical that planning, information dissemination, and response efforts take into consideration the potential needs of people with all types of disabilities.


The “New Normal” of International Travel | 2020
As some countries successfully stem the spread of COVID-19 within their borders, international travel is slowly opening back up. Until recently, many questions remained outstanding: Will my temperature be taken at the airport? Will I have to wear a face mask in-flight? Will I be required to quarantine upon arrival at my destination? Although many questions still remain, international travelers are beginning to get clarity.

Intelligence- Driven and Risk-Based Intelligence | 2016
Presented by Johan Selle. Started at iJET in 2000. South African military intelligence background. Supporting clients in developing and maturing their solutions

Creating an Effective Travel Policy That Includes Risk Management | 2014
Presented by Charles Brossman Sr. Director, Global Travel Risk Management FCm Travel Solutions
Presented by Art Garffer Director of Latin American Operations

Data IP Protection Round Table Summary | 2013
Your company’s intellectual property, brand and key data could be at risk while travelling abroad. Are you aware that your copyrighted material, as well as any patents and trademarked goods and symbols may not be protected from foreign competitors or even hostile governments?

Insurance for All Aspects of Business Travel | 2013
Covering Employees and Staff While Traveling . U.S. travel and Workers’ Compensation – Individual state requirements. Accidents outside the U.S. – foreign trip travel – Coverage types – Emergency evacuation – Family members evacuation

Solving Safety and Security Concerns at Meetings and Events | 2013
Presented by Chris Gernent.
Presented by Johan Selle.

Comon Issues and Solutions for Travel Safety & Security | 2012
Presented By: Bruce McIndoe – iJET International
Di Reimold – International Air Transport Association
Brad Bonnell – IHG

Leveraging Mobile Technology for Traveler Safety and Security, Including Tracking and Alerts: What About the Privacy Issues When Tracking Your Employees | 2012
Presented By: Charlie LeBlanc – FrontierMEDEX
Don Taussig – Land O’ Lakes
Kevin Troutman – Fisher & Phillips

Best Practices on Perimeter Security – Intelligence-Led Layered Security | 2011
Brandon Collins joined the Houston Airport System in 2009 after four years of United States Army active duty, mostly with the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACR). He graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in 2004 with a degree in Communications and is currently attending South Texas College of Law. While completing his undergraduate degree, Brandon was heavily involved in many positions in the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

Securing Critical Mass Events | 2011
Dr. Peter E. Tarlow is a world-renowned speaker and expert specializing in such areas as: the impact of crime and terrorism on the tourism industry, event and tourism risk management, and economic development. Since 1990, Tarlow has been teaching courses on tourism, crime & terrorism to police forces and security and tourism professionals throughout the world

Safety and Security of Shared Economy | 2016
Presented by Ben Coleman Corporate Security & Global Travel Manager. Presented by Mike Donohue Director of Program Management. A shared economy is an economic model in which individuals are able to borrow or rent assets owned by someone else.

Corporate Aviation Security, A Four-Pronged Approach to Improving Aviation Security | 2013
In today’s fast-paced society, executive air travel is nearly as common as Internet service. In major countries like the United States or European Union, executives may move via corporate jet, and not just through major airports like New York’s Kennedy, Frankfurt Airport, or London’s Heathrow but also through minor airports. Here, the issue is that minor airports may lack the security infrastructure of their larger counterparts. This problem is compounded in smaller, developing countries.

Hotel Security Assessment | 2013
Presented By: Becky Bromberg – Maritz Travel Todd Seiders – Petra Risk Solutions Wayne Sanders – Hospitality Safety & Security Services, Inc. Brad Bonnell – Extended Stay America

Integration of the Entire Corporate Enterprise into Travel Risk Management | 2013
Presented by Russ Cline, CSO, Westinghouse Nuclear
Presented by Bruce McIndoe, CEO, iJET International

Travel Security Companies Watch a Volatile World | 2013
NO place is without international travelers, so the routine at global travel security and emergency response companies that keep an eye on the world is never actually routine. A few days ago, Alex Puig, a regional security director for the travel emergency company International SOS, was in his office in suburban Philadelphia watching reports on a volcano erupting in western Alaska. At the same time, he was monitoring events in Turkey, where street violence sharply escalated over the weekend.

Keeping the Traveler Safe on the Ground, Air, Seas and at Ports of Call | 2012
Presented By: Peter Tarlow – Tourism & More
Don Borelli – The Soufan Group

Secure Design Integration: Designing From the Beginning with Safety & Security in Mind | 2012
The world is a dangerous place. Each of us is exposed to risk, and engages in risk assessment, every day. Driving to and from work, crossing a street, climbing a ladder, walking on wet floor tile on a rainy day, or riding a bicycle involve risk. Subconsciously, we assess these risks prior to engaging in these and other activities. As owners and managers of hospitality venues, we need to apply the same principal to our work, but in a much more conscious and comprehensive manner.

Global Best Practices in Transportation Safety & Security – Air, Sea, and Ground | 2011
Presented by: Kendall Hayden, Partner at Cozen O’Connor, P.C.
Jerry Hamilton, Partner at Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel, L.L.P.

Trademark Enforcement – Stopping Counterfeits at the Border and at Events | 2011
In any discussion of the legal principles and practical applications of the law relating to trademarks, it is understood that what applies to trademarks also applies to service marks. The difference between the two is rather clear. Trademarks are used in connection with the sale of goods, while service marks are used in connection with the offering of services.

State Department Travel Advisories | 2016
The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) is an office within the U.S. Department of State that provides the U.S. private sector with security-related information to help ensure the well-being and safety of their personnel and assets overseas.

Aviation Safety & Security Roundtable Summary | 2013
It can be tempting to use objective, formulaic airline ratings, but evaluating the strength of available data is critical and extremely difficult to take into account in objective methodology. Oversimplified example: Small airline in Canada has 30 safety incidents, small airline in Madagascar has 2. Doesn’t mean that the one in Madagascar is 15x safer, just that incident reporting is better in Canada.

Hotel Safety Security Assessment Roundtable Summary | 2013
The process of evaluating a hotel’s security capability must be pragmatic, practical and reasonable. That process begins with an awareness and understanding of the legal principles that shape the manner in which a hotel seeks to fulfill its legal and moral duty concerning safety and security.

Secure Lines: Protecting Your Meeting Content | 2013
When Mitt Romney’s now infamous statement that 47 percent of voters are too dependent on the government was secretly recorded at a private fundraiser in Boca Raton, FL, it was more than just a turning point in the 2012 presidential election. It was a lesson to all CEOs and meeting owners on the importance of taking the proper precautions to keep any content discussed at meetings and events secure.

Latest in Biometric Technology in the Service of Travel Security | 2012
Biometric technology represents one of the most sophisticated, yet secure authentication technologies. It has application in many industries, including medical, legal, law enforcement, general retail, and recently travel. To date, many issues associated with the applicability of biometric technology to specific industrial settings, such as travel, remain, to date, unexplained.

The Meeting Professional’s Guide to Liabitlity and Risk Managament | 2012
The general litigation explosion that has hit our society in recent years certainly has not missed the meeting industry. A meeting planner is now not only responsible for booking guest rooms and meeting space, choosing menus, and hiring speakers, but also for protecting the sponsoring organization from risk and ensuring, to the extent possible, the safety and well-being of the participants once they get to the meeting. In short, meeting planners are also risk managers. Risk management starts by asking four basic questions: What can go wrong? What can be done to prevent harm from occurring? What steps should be taken if harm does occur? Where will the money come from?

Screening Practices for People & Baggage – Contraband Detection | 2011
Presented By: Dennis Wolfe – Virtual Imaging
Rafi Ron – New Age Security Solutions
Stephen Heifetz – Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Top five data security travel issues: Protect sensitive information on business trips | 2009
Overseas travel is part and parcel of modern business life, but with data security hazards including the loss or theft of equipment, spyware on PCs in hotels and airports, data theft through WiFi and border or customs officials, (particularly in countries prone to corruption or with illiberal authorities), what do IT security professionals need to consider when developing appropriate policies?


Making Money with TRM How to $ell Your Program and Prove Its Value | 2016
Erin L. Wilk Global Travel Safety and Security Manager Facebook, Inc. Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) Risk Committee Chair 2015-2017. Leadership Charlotte Class 37 Graduate. Former Senior Vice President, Bank of America Merrill Lynch