Daily Archives: December 19, 2015

What Counsel Must Do to Maximize Insurance Coverage

Insurance policies are complex contracts that require counsel’s oversight. Job 1 is to demarcate the broker’s role. Insurance policies are complex contracts, often riddled with pitfalls for the policyholder. The pursuit of a claim in the wake of a loss is equally fraught. Yet all too many companies entrust their assets and their very survival ...
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What Can Travelers Expect in 2016? New Tools, Better Service and a Focus on Safety and Security

The latest research from Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) suggests 2016 will be the year of the traveler, as companies embrace new technologies and ways of working to improve traveler satisfaction. The CWT Trends* website combines a survey of over 1,000 travel managers across the world, white papers, client case studies and additional CWT research to ...
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