Articles Posted by Finley Harckham

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Tips for Securing Insurance Recoveries for Losses From Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey tore up large areas of the Texas Gulf Coast with gale-force winds and storm surge, and then inundated vast areas, including Houston, with unprecedented amounts of rain.  Many businesses in those areas are still shut down and operations are only slowly being restored.  Moreover, refineries have been shut down which means that companies ...
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What Counsel Must Do to Maximize Insurance Coverage

Insurance policies are complex contracts that require counsel’s oversight. Job 1 is to demarcate the broker’s role. Insurance policies are complex contracts, often riddled with pitfalls for the policyholder. The pursuit of a claim in the wake of a loss is equally fraught. Yet all too many companies entrust their assets and their very survival ...
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Contracts With Insurance Brokers: Do’s and Don’ts

Insurance brokers are among the most important suppliers that any company deals with. Yet, often the arrangement between brokers and their clients consists of nothing more than a broker of record letter, or even a verbal authorization to present insurance proposals. As a general rule, a written agreement that addresses the scope of services provided ...
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