Daily Archives: April 18, 2020

Forensic Focus on COVID-19 | Insider Trading Risk in the Wake of COVID-19: An Alert to Boards and Audit Committees

Deloitte’s Forensic series around COVID-19 business impacts and steps you can proactively take to help respond to and recover from the outbreak and mitigate potential fraud and financial crime risks. Recent accusations of “stock dumping” raise questions about whether those made privy to nonpublic material information during times of crisis have placed their personal financial ...
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Forensic Focus on COVID-19 | Conducting Investigations Remotely During Times of Uncertainty

This is the second in a Deloitte Forensic series around COVID-19 business impacts and steps you can proactively take to help respond to and recover from the outbreak and mitigate potential fraud and financial crime risks. Companies are facing significant operational, financial, and strategic challenges as a result of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) breakout. Lower ...
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Forensic Focus on COVID-19 | Financial Statement Fraud

This is the first in a Deloitte Forensic series around COVID-19 business impacts and steps you can proactively take to help respond to and recover from the outbreak and mitigate potential fraud and financial crime risks. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has quickly advanced on a global scale and responses to it continue to rapidly ...
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