Costa Mesa to Slap Hotels with Fines for Too Many Police Calls

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  • Costa Mesa to Slap Hotels with Fines for Too Many Police Calls

Costa Mesa hotels will have to pay a fine if they attract an “excessive” amount of police attention under a new law aimed at properties run by what one City Council member referred to as “slumlords.

Under the ordinance approved Tuesday, motels and hotels could incur fines of hundreds of dollars if they generate above an average 0.4 calls per room per month for recurring “nuisance activities.” Those activities were defined as including persistent noise, gang-related crime, illegal use of a firearm, disturbing the peace, illegal use or sale of fireworks, drug possession or sale, underage drinking and loud parties. Violent felonies are also covered.

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Bradley Zint

Costa Mesa reporter for The Daily Pilot newspaper, a community publication of the LA Times. Send news tips to

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