Defending Cases In High Crime Areas

Depending on where you do business, crime and its associated consequences may simply be a cost of doing business. Unfortunately, savvy Plaintiff’s lawyers have carved out a niche practice by targeting businesses in high crime areas of our inner cities/Plaintiff-friendly venues. Frequently hotels, restaurants, bars, and the like find themselves as repeat targets in premises liability lawsuits. And oftentimes the victims’ injuries are catastrophic –murder, rape, assault, emotional trauma, physical injury.

The general theme Plaintiff’s lawyers use in these cases is that the Defendant, in an effort to maximize profits, skimped on security measures that would have made the premises safe –i.e. crime free, risk free, covered in bubble wrap with no sharp edges or tripping hazards. To drive up the value of these cases and advance the argument the Defendant was ‘on notice’, Plaintiff’s lawyers rely on the crime statistics for the premises being sued as well as the surrounding community. Police call logs, news articles, social media postings, and the like are used to paint a picture that management was aware of the problem but disregarded the risk to its customers.

Once the groundwork has been laid for the ‘profits over people’ theme, the focus of the case shifts to deterrent measures –security guards, security lights, fences, other barriers, cameras, etc. From a defense perspective, the key is to focus on the word ‘deterrent’. More often than not, the criminal perpetrator, if identified and caught, will have an extensive criminal history. For such a person, the fear of going to prison is no deterrent. By focusing on the history of the criminal, you may be able to demonstrate that he/she has committed crimes despite the presence of ‘appropriate’ deterrent measures. Another factor to focus on is the deterrent measures used by other similarly situated businesses in the community. Again, experience tends to show that most businesses follow the same or similar security protocols.

Another effective tool in rebutting the deterrent argument is to place the local criminal justice system on trial in the civil case. What happens to the criminal Defendants charged with these crimes?Are the local judges tough or too lenient on crime? How effective/proactive is the DA in prosecuting these cases? In other words, do criminal Defendants have anything to fear? Unfortunately the answer is oftentimes ‘No’. Instead of relying on or fixing the system, Plaintiff’s lawyers would have the businesses in the community become fortresses impervious to the realties facing the average taxpayer in the community.

Defending businesses in high crime areas is a challenge. Very rarely does the opportunity to blame the victim arise. In addition to presenting positive evidence of the security measures implemented and associated costs, educating the jury as to the realties present in the community, including uncontrollable obstacles that exist when trying to provide a safe premises, can have a positive effect. At a minimum, it should result in a settlement well below policy limits, which is so often not the outcome in these cases.


David Eaton
David Eaton is a founding shareholder of the firm and practices in the Nashville, Tennessee office. He practices in Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee and focuses in the areas of long-term care defense and general liability claims. As an advisor to health care providers, David has worked closely with nursing home staffs and personnel in the strategy and development of the defenses of cases prior to and through trials. David received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Nicholls State University in 1995 and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Mississippi College School of Law in 2000.

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips is a founding shareholder with Hagwood and Tipton and president of the firm’s Executive Committee. Michael oversees staff in both the Jackson, Mississippi, and Hillsborough, North Carolina, offices.A significant portion of Michael’s cases involves the defense of physicians, nurses, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other health care providers. He handles all phases of the litigation process – with a particular emphasis on trial – and has defended claims against nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and North Carolina. Michael also has extensive experience in the areas of complex defense litigation involving premises security/liability, insurance coverage and general insurance defense.

Hagwood & Tipton

Hagwood Adelman Tipton provides comprehensive legal services on a regional and national basis. Our Service Excellence Pledge is to provide our clients with superior legal advice beyond expectations and for the best value, always. With regional offices in Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee, we serve clients nationally with growth plans to include Arkansas. Our Long-Term Care & Aging Services and Medical Malpractice groups have seen expansive growth due to their record of favorable outcomes at trial, arbitration, mediation, and settlement. The healthcare group also provides transactional, risk-prevention, corporate operations, and compliance services and assists healthcare providers to develop best practices for security and privacy concerns. Our other thriving practices include Alternative Dispute Resolution, Construction Law, General/Local & Outside Counsel, General & Professional Liability, Long Term Care & Aging Services, Rental Purchase Law, Risk Management, as well as Worker’s Compensation. Our practice groups offer integrated services to our clients through collective problem solving.

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