Daily Archives: October 14, 2015

Five Evolving Issues Confronting Employers in the Hospitality Industry

As the hospitality industry continues to grow and expand, one common goal is to provide all-inclusive experiences for visitors and patrons. Unfortunately, given the breadth of the goods and services offered to the public and the workforce employed to supply these experiences, the hospitality industry is also providing plaintiffs’ attorneys and government regulators with their ...
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Case Study: Should a Hotelier Invest in a New Kind of Online Travel Agency?

Lotta Tindal, the chief marketing officer for the Dutch hospitality group Ervaring Hotels & Resorts, hadn’t wanted to come to the presentation, but Gerard Bakker, Ervaring’s CFO, had twisted her arm. “These things are nothing more than glorified sales pitches,” she whispered to him. “Stop acting like a teenager,” he joked. “I’m trying to pay ...
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Credit Card Fraud Liability Shift is Here

Most credit and debit cards in the U.S., and the point of sale terminals and ATMs that read them, still use “magnetic stripe” technology. Magnetic stripes are obsolete and relatively insecure, allowing fraudulent practices such as “skimming” (acquiring cardholder and account data by “reading” the strip, and then making fraudulent transactions or counterfeit cards). Magnetic ...
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