Articles Posted by Elizabeth DeConti

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Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew About My Liquor Licensed Premises

Today’s category is…..The Top Ten Things I wish I knew about my Liquor Licensed Premises! #10: I need to submit an update to the governing licensing authorities when I restructure, change an officer, or change a d/b/a name. Disclosures on licensing applications should be accurate and current, so that the regulating authority has a record ...
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COVID-19’s Impact On Extensions of Credit and Returns in the Alcohol Beverage Industry

The ripple effects of governmental response to COVID-19 are being felt in all tiers of the alcohol beverage industry. State and local orders closing restaurants, bars, and other on-premises retailers of alcoholic beverages have left many retailers trying to find creative ways to recover their losses. One solution to recover cash and prevent waste is ...
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State & Federal Alcohol Compliance Update: TTB Enforcement and Related Matters

The U.S. Department of the Treasury, Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is the federal agency with oversight of alcohol beverage sales, marketing, and distribution. Every U.S. state has a companion state-level agency to TTB. In recent months, TTB has, thanks to a generous allocation in the federal budget, embarked on a rigorous trade practice investigation ...
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Liquor Licensing For Hotel & Restaurant Acquisitions

You are the General Counsel or the outside counsel to a hotel or restaurant brand. Your client informs you that the company intends to purchase multiple units of additional properties in several different states. Your head spins, full of questions. Will it be an asset sale or stock purchase? Will we retain the employees? Will ...
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Alcohol Advertising in the Digital Age

Introduction Suppliers and retailers of alcoholic beverages advertise their respective products and offerings in a wide variety of digital outlets. Questions arise as to how the complex legal landscape of alcohol regulation applies in these digital spaces. Advertising media include social network services (e.g., Facebook), video sharing sites (e.g., YouTube), blogs, and smartphone applications. In ...
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Promoting Alcohol Through Social Media

Social Media is the new land of opportunity for all in manufacturing and retail.  Facebook and Twitter alone allow restaurants, hotels, and bars unprecedented conversation with their customers.  The access to these consumers is in real time and moves beyond the capabilities of any standard brand website.  Understandably, motivation to interact with consumers by offering ...
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