Articles Posted by Maxwell Leitschuh

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Threat of Contracting COVID-19 on an Airline is Low

The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to fears that infected airline passengers could spread the disease to everybody else on the aircraft. These fears are largely unfounded, and disease transmission on a commercial airliner is relatively rare. Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 on a commercial airliner is low, the COVID-19 pandemic is having an ...
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Impacts of Airline Failures on Travelers

The recent failure of the British holiday company Thomas Cook – which owned several airlines, including Thomas Cook Airlines (MT) – highlights how an airline’s financial distress and shutdown can cause serious disruptions for travelers. The scale and impacts of airline failures on travelers can vary depending on what steps the government in an airline’s ...
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6 Tools To Help You Understand Airline Safety

Modern airline travel is statistically the safest form of transportation the world has ever seen, but airline safety is still a common cause of concern among travelers – especially those traveling on an airline they have never heard of. Many travelers evaluate an airline’s safety by looking up the airline’s safety record, but there are ...
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In-flight Emergency: Cabin Depressurization

Several high-profile incidents have highlighted the issue of cabin depressurization on airliners. While some cabin pressure incidents can cause serious injuries or even fatalities, most pose little threat to passengers. Basic precautionary steps can help protect travelers in the event of an emergency. Cabin Pressurization-related Incidents Cabin pressurization incidents occur on a regular basis around ...
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