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White House Says Employers Should Do These 8 Things When Using AI at Work

The White House just provided employers with a series of best practices that you should consider when using artificial intelligence for workplace purposes. The May 16 Fact Sheet, crafted in conjunction with the Department of Labor, doesn’t carry the weight of law – but could be relied upon by courts and others in these early ...
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New Website Accessibility Rule to Go into Effect

On Monday April 8, 2024, Attorney General Merrick Garland signed the final rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure the accessibility of web content and mobile applications (apps) for people with disabilities.  This final rule clarifies the obligations of state and local governments to make their websites and mobile ...
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How Much Data is Too Much? 4 Steps Businesses Should Take as California Focuses On Data Minimization Requirements

Businesses take heed: California state officials just warned that the law prohibits you from collecting unnecessary data and retaining data for longer than necessary. The California Privacy Protection Agency published its first Enforcement Advisory on data minimization under the state’s hallmark data privacy law on April 2, focusing on a very specific context: when businesses ...
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The 10 Things Employers Need to Know About Sweeping New Federal Data Privacy Law Proposal

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers just unveiled a sweeping proposal to pass the nation’s first data privacy law and hand a significant amount of power to consumers, one that would bring about a massive change in the way that businesses treat customer data. While it would create a consistent framework across the country and ...
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FTC Targets Employers Utilizing Worker Surveillance Technologies

When used appropriately, worker surveillance technologies like time and attendance software, video surveillance systems, GPS tracking software, and biometric technology can benefit employers in a variety of ways, including by boosting productivity, identifying internal and external cybersecurity threats, and even preventing or responding to workplace accidents. However, employers must be careful that employee monitoring programs ...
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5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Chief AI Officer – and 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t

Is it the hottest job in corporate America – or is it a passing fad that will fade away in a matter of months? Either way, 2024 will be the year of the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO). This Insight will briefly discuss the exponential growth of CAIO roles over the past year and provide ...
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Ransomware Costs Businesses Record-High $1 Billion in 2023: Your 5-Step Plan to Prevent Attacks in 2024

2023 was the most devastating year yet for ransomware attacks, with businesses forking over $1 billion in ransom payments for the first time ever – and 2024 is expected to be even worse. Beyond the payments, the average cost of each ransomware attack last year was over $5 million. Given these unprecedented statistics, ransomware attacks ...
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Online Travel Update: OTA Marketing Shift, Google’s DMA and Wholesaler Woes Unveiled

With many in the industry getting their first look at Google’s proposed “DMA” changes to European Union search results, many of this past week’s industry headlines were focused on the proposed changes and the industry’s generally unfavorable response. Other news: Hotels under pressure to respond as OTA competition for guests lead gen explodesJanuary 25, 2024 via Hospitality ...
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Title VII and the Use of AI in Employment Decisions

Employers are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (“AI”) for assistance in making employment decisions, and although AI can eliminate disparate treatment, employers should be aware of the potential for disparate impact. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual ...
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System hacked warning alert on notebook (Laptop). Cyber attack on computer network, Virus, Spyware, Malware or Malicious software. Cyber security and cybercrime. Compromised information internet.

Scammers Exploiting Corporate Transparency Act To Get Your Private Information

With the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) going into effect on January 1, 2024, it should come as no surprise that bad actors are already exploiting the new law to collect personal information from companies and use it for unlawful purposes. As we discussed in an earlier CSG Law client alert, The Corporate Transparency Act: How Will ...
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