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What American Companies Need to Know about the EU’s New General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new data privacy and security law in Europe that will go into force on May 25, 2018. Every organization that does business with EU customers, regardless of the home base of the organization, and regardless of the size of the organization, must come into compliance or risks ...
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How to Protect Your Online Privacy

On a daily basis, the global media reports a huge loss of personnel data, damaged reputations, pilfered intellectual property, or millions of dollars stolen as the result of cyber incidents. An event reported in the news today will likely be eclipsed in scale or audacity in a few months’ time. Neither banks, global corporations, celebrities, ...
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Cloud Computing Crash Course: Location, Location, Location

Cloud computing is the practice of enlisting a “cloud provider” to deliver data, applications and storage to users through the internet, which allows each user to share the computing resource and forego some on-premise technology. Cloud computing is generally categorized into three buckets. The cloud provider may: Host applications, thereby eliminating the need to install ...
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The traveler’s guide to keeping electronic devices secure during international travel

From the first time I traveled overseas in 1996 to my most recent international trip this past November it’s safe to say that international communication has gotten a little easier. Smartphones, laptops, high-speed wireless networks and wifi have made staying connected to home while you’re abroad a trivial task. Unfortunately that massive leap forward in ...
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Protect Against Cyber Attacks: A New Guide to Help Small Businesses

No business is too small to be the victim of a cyberattack. In fact, as larger companies invest more resources in cybersecurity, attackers are beginning to target smaller, less secure businesses. It is important for every small business to understand the risks and be prepared. To help, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ...
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It’s time to wake up and figure out how GDPR affects you!

You’ve heard about the GDPR, right? As I’ve spoken with people (security people and “civilians”), I’ve found many who had no idea that the GDPR was a thing.  I know Americans tend to have a very US-centric view of the world, but the GDPR is critical for any business with a presence, customers, or clients in ...
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Recent Verdict Strengthens the Growing Need for Websites to Increase Accessibility to Disabled Individuals

A recent case in federal district court in Florida foreshadows the beginning of an expanded reach of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a whole, the Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Recently, a growing number of lawsuits filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and private litigants threatening ...
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Big Brother or Big Benefit? Weighing the Option of Microchipping Your Employees

A Wisconsin tech company made news in August 2017 for implanting microchips into the hands of willing employees. While it’s certainly worth keeping an eye on this technology and its uses, early adopter employers face many technological unknowns, employee wariness and potential liabilities (not to mention the expense). Benefits for Employers Enhancing company security and ...
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Cloud Control: Data Security Hazards and How to Avoid Them

Cloud computing, virtually nonexistent 15 years ago, is now verging on being the rule rather than the exception in the business world. According to the Gartner technology research firm, by 2019, more than 30 percent of the 100 largest vendors’ new software investments will have shifted from cloud-first to cloud-only, and by the year 2020, ...
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First Look at Google SOS Alerts

Social media does a good job of delivering information quickly, but with so many sources – both official and unofficial – it is difficult to find the right signal in all the noise. When a crisis occurs, travelers don’t have time to sift through mountains of information to find what they need. Google’s new service, SOS ...
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