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Labor Department’s Proposed Overtime Rule Could Raise Salary Floor to $55k: Here Are 8 Ways Employers Can Prepare Now

Labor Department’s Proposed Overtime Rule Could Raise Salary Floor to $55k: Here Are 8 Ways Employers Can Prepare Now

Employers may need to adjust their pay practices now that the Labor Department has issued its long-anticipated proposal to raise the salary threshold for exempt employees – a change that could make more of your employees eligible for overtime premiums. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced today that it intends to significantly raise the ...
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California Supreme Court Rejects De Minimis Doctrine for Off-The-Clock Work Claims

On July 26, 2018, the California Supreme Court issued a decision entitled Douglas Troester v. Starbucks Corporation, No. S234969, which should be of concern to all California employers. The specific issue was whether, in tracking the compensable time of its non-exempt employees, Starbucks could ignore minutes that they spend closing up after they clock out ...
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