Daily Archives: July 29, 2013

Social Media and Trade Secrets

Social Media and Trade Secrets The various issues created by Facebook, LinkedIn, and other similar platforms lead to constant requests for input by management-side employment lawyers. Likewise, employers – especially those in industries with a heavy emphasis on relationships for research and development – are also focused on protection of their trade secrets and other ...
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Insurance Coverage for Hotels Facing Fungi and Bacteria Claims

One nightmare scenario faced by hotel and resort executives is dealing with the former guest who claims that he or she contracted a fungal or bacterial illness at their establishment. True or not, the last thing that a hotel or resort wants associated with its name is “fungus” or “bacteria.” Yet with the increasingly widespread usage of social media and anonymous access ...
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3 Reasons Why the Hospitality Industry Should Address Domestic Violence

As a threat assessment and management consultant, I often face the challenge of convincing employers to heed potential workforce “time bombs”, including those they can’t hear ticking just yet. Sometimes new clients seek me out because a “personnel land mine” just exploded inside their organization, seemingly without warning. The danger I’m referring to comes from ...
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