Articles Posted by Conn Maciel Carey

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Employers Take Note: New Employment Laws for 2024

This year, Governor Newsom signed into law employment bills on disparate subjects such as paid sick leave, reproductive loss leave, non-competes, and more.  These new laws take effect on January 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted. SB 525 (Minimum Wage Increase for Healthcare Workers) SB 525 increases the minimum wage for healthcare industry workers over the ...
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Colleagues at a small conference room. Meeting room. Brainstorming.

OSHA Proposes Rule that May Allow Union Organizers and Plaintiffs’ Attorneys to “Walk Around” Workplaces

Earlier in October, OSHA issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for a “Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process” Rule, which would expand the circumstances when non-employees, particularly union representatives at non-union workplaces, can accompany OSHA inspectors during enforcement inspections. The proposed rule would allow union representatives, other labor or community activist groups, and even plaintiffs’ attorneys (or their ...
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Important documents in files placed in the filing cabinet

10 Reasons Why It Is Critical For Employers To Get OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Right — And How to Ensure It is Done Right

Although OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting has always been important from an OSHA compliance perspective, making correct recording and reporting decisions (i.e., not over- or under- recording or reporting) has never been more vital than it is today. We are at a moment in OSHA’s history when the agency is clearly staffing up ...
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Website Litigation Under the ADA:
Protect Your Property from Lawsuits

Despite the pandemic, lawsuits filed across the country against hotels and resorts alleging their websites violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) have not slowed down. These lawsuits continue to allege two different types of ADA violations, each of which are addressed below: The first type of website accessibility case deals with whether a hotel ...
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Businessman Overcoming Difficulties Due To COVID-19

COVID-19 Exposure Control & Response Plan: What Is It and Why Does Every Employer Need One?

As states across the country begin to loosen or lift stay-at-home and shutdown orders, many workplaces that had been idled, have just begun to or will soon resume operations. Many states and localities are setting as a precondition for reopening, a requirement that they develop and implement a written, site-specific COVID-19 Exposure Control and Response ...
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Two people face to face wearing masks

How Employers Can Respond to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (“2019-nCoV” or “coronavirus”) is a respiratory illness that, with its spread to the United States, is raising important issues for employers. This guide explains the outbreak, the legal implications of it, and how employers should be responding now to employees who might have the virus, are caring for affected family members, ...
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Cal/OSHA Compels Hospitality Employers to Clean Up Their Act, Ergonomically Speaking

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the single most common type of work-related injury, but federal OSHA has struggled for decades to develop a coherent regulatory and/or enforcement strategy to address the hazards that cause these ergonomic injuries.  Where federal OSHA fell short, the State of California has picked up the slack, with Cal-OSHA recently finalizing a ...
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