Articles Posted by Stephen Barth

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5 Reasons Good Employees Leave Hotels

Productive, trustworthy employees are getting hard to find and harder to keep. Hotels invest significant amounts of money and time to recruit, hire and train employees, often using recent developments in advertising (social media), technology (online applications), and psychology (personality and behavioral assessments). So why is it that hotels—after hiring and training—still manage people like ...
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Compliance: Common Sense Approach to Ensure Guest Safety

Most of you will recall Anthony ” Tony ” Marshall and his tireless work to assist the hotel industry in understanding the legal aspects of the business and ensuring guest safety. Due to his lasting impact, we honor Tony annually at The Hospitality Law Conference in Houston by recognizing others with the Anthony G. Marshall award for ...
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Inquiring About Bed Bugs: Essential Questions for Travel Managers

As more reports of bed bug incidents surface, travel managers may want to ask the following questions of a destination: Has the hotel identified bed bugs on the premises in the last twenty-four months? If so, what steps did the hotel take to eliminate the infestation? What types of preventative training occur at the hotel? ...
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ID Scanners: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Lately, bars, lounges and nightclubs are using a variety of new devices that scan patron identification cards upon entry, storing the information for future reference, and in some instances, sharing the information with other proprietors or using it for marketing purposes. The justification for the scanners is that they assist in age verification and fake ...
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Ban Smoking and Lighters in Planes and Airports: Fire and Jet Fuel? Everyone Knows Better

I strongly encourage a ban on incendiary devices aboard planes, whether a person carries it in his/her clothing or stores it in a carry-on bag. We should also ban smoking on airport premises, including parking facilities. No one has a good reason to have a match or lighter on a plane, and yet most people ...
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