Articles Posted by Willis

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Technology, Media and Telecommunications Risk Index 2016

50 risks, split into five megatrends, ranked by 350 senior executives The TMT Risk Index analyses the severity of impact and ease of management of the top 50 risks facing the TMT industry. Grouped into five megatrends, we examine how these are impacting the sector currently and how this will change in the future. The ...
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The inside threat: Why employee behavior and opinions impact cyber risk

by Adeola Adele, Patrick Kulesa The human element as a risk factor in data security breaches is as enduring as it is troubling. Compromised laptops and phishing email scams continue to appeal to hackers as avenues to damage corporate servers and the confidential, sensitive information they maintain. Effective risk management strategy must therefore acknowledge and ...
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It’s still a buyer’s market, but…

2016 Marketplace Realities Spring Update A complex commercial insurance market is slowing the pricing declines most buyers have enjoyed for several renewal cycles and raising the likelihood that companies will experience some price increases in various commercial lines of insurance, according to Willis Towers Watson’s 2016 Marketplace Realities Spring Update report. The report, a line-by-line ...
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What Risks Will Emerge in 2016?

Our world is advancing at a pace that invites innovation at breakneck speed, encouraging companies to jump into untested waters. Whether it is new, disruptive technologies – such as drones – or just a new way of doing business – such as the sharing economy – the risks are not fully known. New loss-control technologies and regulations ...
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Cyber and Privacy Risk Advisory

Hospitality Industry Spotlight by Gamelah Palagonia Senior Vice President, Finex Hoteliers have long been major hacking targets – a trend that is likely to continue given the volume of credit and debit card transactions the industry processes. While all business should assess and implement comprehensive privacy and data security policies to ensure adequate protection of ...
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