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Human Sex Trafficking in Hotels is a Major Concern for Hoteliers

Because of the transient nature of guests who utilize lodging accommodations and the privacy afforded to these temporary guests, hotels have become prime venues for the exploitation of “at risk” individuals through sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Check any newswire or perform an Internet search and stories of human trafficking and sexual exploitation invariably connect ...
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Exemptions and Credits that Result in Savings for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry

I’m pleased to introduce guest author Katie Nguyen, a CPA from local accounting firm, Clark Nuber. Katie specializes in state and local taxes for the hospitality industry and has offered to share her experience and knowledge with the Duff on Hospitality readers. Welcome, Katie, and thank you for today’s post on some important tax incentives available to Washington’s ...
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Increases to Minimum Wage by West Coast States Are On the Up and Up

As fast food workers across the country stage walkouts in a push for a $15 hourly wage and the Obama administration renews its call to boost the federal minimum wage, states on the left coast have already embraced employee-friendly increases. Oregon, the state with the second-highest minimum wage in the country, announced last week that ...
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Creating an In-House Domestic Violence Program

If you read Part 1 of this article, you should already be convinced of the importance of addressing domestic violence in your organization and hopefully, you’re ready to learn how to develop and implement an in-house program. This piece will layout the steps to building, launching, and maintaining an effective, cost saving (and possibly life ...
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The Fair Housing Act and the Extended Stay Industry

Extended stay hotels remain a fast-growing segment of the hotel industry.  These hotels cater to a variety of customers, including business travelers, vacationers, and families or individuals who may need temporary or semi-permanent housing.  Extended-stay hotels often give customers the option of daily, weekly, or monthly payment rates, allowing the occupant to remain at the ...
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Dogs Have Owners, Hotels Have Staff

In traffic yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker that read “Dogs have owners, cats have staff.” Given the sticker was surrounded by other feline-themed paraphernalia, I surmised that the driver was boasting about her personal capacity to successfully coexist with Tigger, Boots, or whatever the name she gave to her cat, regardless if the cat ...
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Insurance Coverage for Hotels Facing Fungi and Bacteria Claims

One nightmare scenario faced by hotel and resort executives is dealing with the former guest who claims that he or she contracted a fungal or bacterial illness at their establishment. True or not, the last thing that a hotel or resort wants associated with its name is “fungus” or “bacteria.” Yet with the increasingly widespread usage of social media and anonymous access ...
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Securing Your Next Big Meeting or Conference: 5 Tips on Event & Site Security

1428Executive Summary: Event Security and Site Protection Conferences, meetings, and tradeshows can be a great way for organizations to showcase themselves to the public, discuss important issues, and boost employee morale. However, high profile events can present operational and reputational risks if they are not conducted effectively. Security issues, in particular, can hamper operations and ...
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