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How Much Data is Too Much? 4 Steps Businesses Should Take as California Focuses On Data Minimization Requirements

Businesses take heed: California state officials just warned that the law prohibits you from collecting unnecessary data and retaining data for longer than necessary. The California Privacy Protection Agency published its first Enforcement Advisory on data minimization under the state’s hallmark data privacy law on April 2, focusing on a very specific context: when businesses ...
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The 10 Things Employers Need to Know About Sweeping New Federal Data Privacy Law Proposal

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers just unveiled a sweeping proposal to pass the nation’s first data privacy law and hand a significant amount of power to consumers, one that would bring about a massive change in the way that businesses treat customer data. While it would create a consistent framework across the country and ...
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3 AI Bills in Congress for Employers to Track: Proposed Laws Target Automated Systems, Workplace Surveillance, And More

Employers that use artificial intelligence – and developers that create AI systems – could be subject to extensive new laws under several bills introduced by federal legislators. While much of the existing legal landscape on AI centers on broad, overarching principles, Congress is now considering bills that hone in on more specific issues like the ...
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New York Lawmakers Aim to Close Loopholes in NYC’s AI Bias Audit Law and Add Teeth to Workplace Protections

At least two proposed bills pending before the New York State Legislature would force employers to conduct bias audits and provide high levels of transparency if they use AI-fueled automated employment decision tools for employment decisions. This is something that NYC’s first-in-the-nation bias audit law was supposed to accomplish but in some ways fell short. These ...
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Labor Department’s New Overtime Rule Likely Coming Soon: Your 8-Step Plan to Prepare

More of your employees may be eligible for overtime pay under a new rule that is likely to be finalized in April and could take effect soon. As proposed in August, the Labor Department intends to significantly raise the exempt salary threshold for the so-called “white-collar” exemptions from about $35K to about $55K – meaning ...
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Colorado and Washington Likely to Join Growing List of States Banning Captive Audience Meetings: 5 Steps Employers Can Take to Comply

Colorado and Washington will likely become the latest states to ban employers from holding mandatory meetings with employees concerning religious or political matters. Such employer-sponsored meetings, known as “captive audience meetings,” require employee attendance under threat of discharge, discipline, or some other penalty, and concern religious or political matters – including whether employees should join ...
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Inspiring Inclusion on International Women’s Day: 10 Ways to Empower Women in the Workplace

The theme of International Women’s Day this year is “Inspire Inclusion.” While it is important to consider the inclusivity and diversity of our workplaces year-round, IWD — which takes place annually on March 8 — is a perfect opportunity to assess and enhance your efforts to foster a work environment that includes and empowers women. ...
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5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Chief AI Officer – and 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t

Is it the hottest job in corporate America – or is it a passing fad that will fade away in a matter of months? Either way, 2024 will be the year of the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO). This Insight will briefly discuss the exponential growth of CAIO roles over the past year and provide ...
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Labor Board’s “BLM” Ruling Will Require You To Review Your Dress Code and Other Workplace Policies: Your 5-Step Guide

The National Labor Relations Board just ruled that a national retailer must allow customer-facing employees who want to write “Black Lives Matter” on their uniforms to do so – and may have opened Pandora ’s Box when it comes to allowing the public display of political and social causes in the workplace. The February 21 ...
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Ransomware Costs Businesses Record-High $1 Billion in 2023: Your 5-Step Plan to Prevent Attacks in 2024

2023 was the most devastating year yet for ransomware attacks, with businesses forking over $1 billion in ransom payments for the first time ever – and 2024 is expected to be even worse. Beyond the payments, the average cost of each ransomware attack last year was over $5 million. Given these unprecedented statistics, ransomware attacks ...
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