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Service Animals, Assistance Animals, Comfort Animals—And The Occasional Miniature Horse

Given the menagerie of terms, it is easy to see why some business owners are quite confused about what to do when they are asked to permit an animal in their places of business. Part of the confusion comes from the multitude of federal laws on the topic (not to mention laws passed by some ...
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Avoiding Workplace Violence: Tips And Best Practices For Hospitality Employers

Whether internal or external, violence in the workplace is an increasingly problematic issue that employers must learn to effectively minimize and prevent. This is even more important in the hospitality industry, given the constant interaction with the public, the high rate of turnover, and the added responsibility of dealing with available cash. It is imperative ...
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Business Use of E-Scooters Presents New Challenges for Employers

Eric Lazzari needed to get across downtown for a meeting and decided to use an electric scooter, according to The Denver Post. He knew the law, and was properly operating the e-scooter on the sidewalk. While stopped at an intersection, an angry pedestrian approached him, told him e-scooters didn’t belong on the sidewalk, and smacked ...
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Would You Like Fries And A Political Opinion With That? Regulating Employee Buttons, Pins, And Insignia In The Workplace

Burgers and buttons are making headlines again. Employees at Burgerville—a fast-food restaurant chain in the Pacific Northwest—recently took to wearing buttons to work and were sent home for the day. These buttons were not your typical “Hi! My Name Is ______” fare. Instead, 10 Burgerville employees in Oregon showed up to work wearing buttons which ...
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Winter Is Coming…So What Should Employers Do To Prepare?

As readers of epic fantasy novels and viewers of a certain cable TV-show know all too well, winter is most definitely coming. Your radio is already playing holiday music, the shiny decorations are already out in malls and retail stores, and your coffee shop is serving you drinks in red cups. The signs are obvious, ...
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EEOC Lawsuit Push Takes Aim At Hospitality Employers

In the first half of August 2018 alone, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed 16 lawsuits against employers—and hospitality employers should be especially wary about this surge of litigation, as several claims took direct aim at businesses in the industry. Harassment Claims Continue To Capture Spotlight In light of the sexual abuse allegations ...
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Is Your Company Car Exposing Sensitive Data To Hackers?

If your business is like most others, you probably store a lot of sensitive data in an electronic format. And if your business takes proper precautions, you probably utilize sophisticated cybersecurity systems to prevent the hacking of such data. You likely also require your employees to password-protect their phones, and perhaps even download security software ...
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“Hands Off, Pants On” When Guests Sexually Harass Your Hotel Employees

In an April 2016 survey of 400 Chicago-area women working at hotels, nearly 50 percent indicated that they have had a guest answer the door naked, expose themselves, or were otherwise flashed. Worse yet, 1 in 10 said they had been kissed, grabbed, pinched, or groped by a guest. Hotel employees reported incidents in which they were ...
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Hiring Minors in the Heat of the Summer: What Employers Need to Know

Summertime is quickly approaching and ’tis the season for beach vacations, fun in the sun, and summer hires—many of which will be under the age of 18 years old. In anticipation of summer hires, employers may want to familiarize themselves with the federal laws outlining child labor restrictions. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), ...
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5-Step Plan To Address Growing Sexual Harassment Concerns

For several months now, it seems that each new day has brought about a fresh round of reporting on yet another high-profile sexual harassment accusation. What started in October with substantiated allegations against movie producer Harvey Weinstein has blossomed into dozens of claims against Hollywood executives, actors, comedians, politicians, media personalities, and corporate executives. The ...
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