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Gender Expression in the Workplace: A Primer for Employers

As you may know, discrimination based on gender identity is unlawful in several states and many cities.  This includes both the State of Washington and the City of Seattle.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has also taken the position that gender identity is protected under Title VII’s prohibition against discrimination based on sex. While the antidiscrimination laws that protect ...
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Exemptions and Credits that Result in Savings for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry

I’m pleased to introduce guest author Katie Nguyen, a CPA from local accounting firm, Clark Nuber. Katie specializes in state and local taxes for the hospitality industry and has offered to share her experience and knowledge with the Duff on Hospitality readers. Welcome, Katie, and thank you for today’s post on some important tax incentives available to Washington’s ...
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Increases to Minimum Wage by West Coast States Are On the Up and Up

As fast food workers across the country stage walkouts in a push for a $15 hourly wage and the Obama administration renews its call to boost the federal minimum wage, states on the left coast have already embraced employee-friendly increases. Oregon, the state with the second-highest minimum wage in the country, announced last week that ...
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What is the OFCCP and Do Hoteliers and Restauranteurs Need to Care?

Co-Authored By: Lucy Bisognano The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) enforces regulations aimed at federal government contractors, with a specific eye towards preventing both intentional and unintentional employment discrimination based on any protected class (e.g. race, sex, or disability). Many employers think that the OFCCP has no interest in them because they do ...
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Avoiding Pitfalls with Unpaid Internships

To Pay or Not to Pay? As the school year begins again, it is a great time for hoteliers to think about their unpaid internship programs.  Unpaid internships can be great symbiotic relationships.  College students or individuals trying out new fields are willing to work for free in exchange for real-life work experience and something ...
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