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6 Tools To Help You Understand Airline Safety

Modern airline travel is statistically the safest form of transportation the world has ever seen, but airline safety is still a common cause of concern among travelers – especially those traveling on an airline they have never heard of. Many travelers evaluate an airline’s safety by looking up the airline’s safety record, but there are ...
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In-flight Emergency: Cabin Depressurization

Several high-profile incidents have highlighted the issue of cabin depressurization on airliners. While some cabin pressure incidents can cause serious injuries or even fatalities, most pose little threat to passengers. Basic precautionary steps can help protect travelers in the event of an emergency. Cabin Pressurization-related Incidents Cabin pressurization incidents occur on a regular basis around ...
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Disease Threats: How to Secure the Corporate Workplace

A proactive approach to local and international disease threats is an essential and often overlooked safeguard to business productivity and duty of care. Human capital is arguably worth more to a business than tangible assets, because it is often the key competitive advantage that distinguishes a business in the marketplace. Infectious diseases are a constant ...
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Responding to Crisis Effectively

In crisis, efforts toward the planning, training, and coordination of resources enable an organization to surge toward the protection of its assets and operations during disruption. However, what cannot be surged is stakeholder trust and confidence. Prior to crisis, a requisite level of capabilities must be developed and maintained to provide stakeholder confidence that assets ...
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Business Resiliency Checklist

Business resiliency contemplates all hazards across the extended enterprise, including operations, people, goods and intellectual property. To achieve business resiliency throughout an organization, leaders must have the tools to anticipate and monitor threats, and stand ready to respond to disruptions and opportunities in real time. This Business Resiliency Checklist reflects the Key Process Areas to be defined, monitored ...
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