Yearly Archives: 2015 ( Page 22 )

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Every Case Is an e-Discovery Case in Today’s Litigation Environment

Lawyers routinely negotiate the scope of litigation discovery demands. One such lawyer was recently faced with a wildly broad discovery demand for relevant emails from the time a product was manufactured more than fifteen years ago to the present. The lawyer deftly negotiated the demand down to five years before the incident at issue and ...
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Boutique Hotel Brands From ‘Legacy’ Chains – Will They Work?

It is clear that the boutique hotel niche is longer occupied by just a handful of rogue, counter cultural hoteliers. The evolution of lifestyle hotels from a very small, extremely specialized industry segment, to its current status as one of the fastest growing product types, has been nothing short of astounding. It is sometimes debated ...
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Sick Leave for Restaurant Workers Necessary for Food Safety

The history of food safety, corporate irresponsibility, and workers’ rights is long and tortuous (as well as tortious). From the days of Upton Sinclair (rotten and diseased meat), unpasteurized and tuberculosis-laden milk, all the way through the present, the dangers of unsafe food have been compounded by improperly trained and poorly paid food workers. In ...
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Full Disclosure: The Impact of New Food-Labeling Regulations

What is the impact of the FDA’s New Food-Labeling Regulations?  The new rules cover any restaurant or “retail food establishment” selling “restaurant-type food.”  Does that include the wide array of retail and hospitality businesses, including bakeries, cafeterias, coffee shops, convenience stores?  Dan Vecchio, a litigator in our Seattle office, has been watching the latest developments.  ...
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