Yearly Archives: 2017 ( Page 3 )

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Accommodating Pregnancy Under State and Federal Law

Laws requiring both public and private employers to accommodate their pregnant employees have become a trend over the past several years.  Indeed, this past July, Massachusetts became the 22ndstate, along with the District of Columbia, to pass a law that requires an employer to engage in the interactive process and provide an accommodation to a pregnant ...
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Cloud Computing Crash Course: Location, Location, Location

Cloud computing is the practice of enlisting a “cloud provider” to deliver data, applications and storage to users through the internet, which allows each user to share the computing resource and forego some on-premise technology. Cloud computing is generally categorized into three buckets. The cloud provider may: Host applications, thereby eliminating the need to install ...
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The traveler’s guide to keeping electronic devices secure during international travel

From the first time I traveled overseas in 1996 to my most recent international trip this past November it’s safe to say that international communication has gotten a little easier. Smartphones, laptops, high-speed wireless networks and wifi have made staying connected to home while you’re abroad a trivial task. Unfortunately that massive leap forward in ...
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An Often Overlooked Tool in Workplace Safety Prevention: The Near-Miss Investigation

OSHA defines a near miss as an incident in which no property was damaged and no personal injury was sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred. Put simply, someone got lucky. Because there was no damage, these near miss incidents are often ignored or ...
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Cyber Insurance: Get What You Pay For

Due to the increasing number of successful and attempted cyber-attacks and increased government scrutiny surrounding protection of confidential information, companies cannot ignore the various risks associated with potential data breaches.  The result is that more and more companies are considering and purchasing cyber insurance.  Companies are increasingly recognizing that customer names, customer financial data, credit ...
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5 Things All Businesses With Child Guests Should Include in a Child Protection Policy

Children and vulnerable adults (i.e., adults with disabilities who need assistance with self-care) face unique threats because of their inability to recognize and protect themselves from danger. Organizations that have direct or even indirect contact with children or vulnerable adults should create and adopt a child protection policy and related training program to better safeguard ...
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The Importance of Reporting Workplace Injuries

There are some OSHA lessons to be learned and things to think about from the recent Third Department case in Silvestri v. New York City Transit Authority, 2017 N.Y Slip Op 06123 (August 10, 2017). In Silvestri, the Third Department affirmed a decision by the Workers’ Compensation Board that the widow of a deceased employee working at ...
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Protect Against Cyber Attacks: A New Guide to Help Small Businesses

No business is too small to be the victim of a cyberattack. In fact, as larger companies invest more resources in cybersecurity, attackers are beginning to target smaller, less secure businesses. It is important for every small business to understand the risks and be prepared. To help, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ...
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How to make the most of your airport security experience

When travelers talk about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), it tends to be negative. “You won’t believe the nightmare I had getting through security this morning,” or “that TSA agent must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Unless you really have nothing better to do, the TSA knows that ...
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It’s time to wake up and figure out how GDPR affects you!

You’ve heard about the GDPR, right? As I’ve spoken with people (security people and “civilians”), I’ve found many who had no idea that the GDPR was a thing.  I know Americans tend to have a very US-centric view of the world, but the GDPR is critical for any business with a presence, customers, or clients in ...
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