Articles Posted by Bennett Pine

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Minimum “Exempt” Salary Threshold Raised and Millions of Additional Workers Entitled to Overtime

On May 18, 2016, President Obama and the Labor Department issued the much anticipated final rule regarding overtime regulations, which significantly raises the minimum salary threshold required to qualify for “white collar exemptions” under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  These new Department of Labor Overtime Rules may be of particular interest to businesses in the ...
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Ten Things to Consider when Terminating an Employee

Back to school, back to work, back to serious decisions — now is a good time to recall key considerations before terminating an employee or employees. 1. Consider the Reason: Position Elimination vs. Performance Issues As a fundamental proposition, the employer must be able to articulate the reason for terminating an employee. A good exercise for employers is to summarize ...
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New Jersey Joins NYC, DC, and Oregon in Prohibiting Discrimination Against Unemployed

Joining New York City (see Employment Law Insider Alert, March 2013), Oregon and Washington, D.C., on July 1, 2014, New Jersey passed legislation to prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of a job applicant’s unemployment status. This expands existing New Jersey law — the first law on the subject — that prohibits employers from creating ...
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