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Aggressive/angry boss complaining asian business woman(casual uniform) in cafe office

What Employers Can Learn from the Lizzo Lawsuit: Tips to Avoid Hostile Workplace Allegations

Singer-songwriter Lizzo was all over the headlines last week — but not for one of her latest hit songs. Instead, the Grammy-award-winning entertainer was sued by three former dancers asserting various claims, including hostile work environment and discrimination. While Lizzo and her brand denied the allegations, the situation is a cautionary tale for employers and ...
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Multiethnic group of people having business meeting through video call on laptop. View from shoulder of black man sitting at home office and working remotely.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Monitoring Remote Workers: 5 Tips for Employers

Remote and hybrid work arrangements continue to reshape the way employers approach performance management, and many organizations are turning to technology to help supervise offsite workers. Whether an employer simply notes when remote workers are available online through a platform such as Teams or Slack or uses more sophisticated software to track keystrokes and other ...
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Foreground focus is on a glass jar labeled "tips" in chalk. The jar is sitting to one side on a rustic wooden table, full of coins and bills, with coffee shop scenery in the background.

Labor Department’s “New” Tip Credit Rule is Here to Stay…For Now: A 10-Step Plan for Hospitality Employers

A federal court just refused to block the U.S. Department of Labor’s infamous 80/20 rule, which applies to employers that take the tip credit toward their minimum wage obligation under federal wage and hour law – which means now’s time to ensure you’re in compliance. Several restaurant industry groups filed a lawsuit seeking to halt ...
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An Employer’s Guide to Workplace Protections for Abortion-Related Decisions

Employers likely have questions about abortion-related employment protections and healthcare benefits after [June 24th’s] SCOTUS controversial decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Given the ruling, people in states with strict abortion limitations may end up traveling to other states to receive abortion-related care. Can employees take job-protected leave to obtain such services? What other rights might ...
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How to Transform Your Workplace After the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation In 2021, our recovering economy experienced two historic, yet contradictory trends. First, the demand for workers returned in spectacular fashion, skyrocketing at unprecedented rates. Second and conversely, millions of potential workers have remained unemployed on the sidelines. The tension between the two economic patterns has given rise to a unique job market ...
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5-Step Plan for Employers After President Biden Announces Workplace Vaccine Mandates

In arguably the most far-reaching move of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration announced yesterday that federal workplace safety officials will soon issue a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to either ensure their workers are vaccinated or require unvaccinated employees to produce a weekly negative test result before coming ...
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Unmasking the Challenges: 7 Options for Managing a Partially Vaccinated Workforce

Now that most states, the CDC, and OSHA have (or may soon) lift mask mandates for vaccinated workers, what is an employer to do about revealing an employee’s vaccination status? Under any relaxed masking guidance applicable to those who are fully vaccinated, customers, visitors, and co-workers are likely to draw their own conclusions about the vaccination status ...
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Employers May Be Able To Scrap Mask Mandates For Fully Vaccinated Workers: A 7-Step Blueprint to Overcome Risks and Hurdles

The announcement [last month] from the CDC that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any non-healthcare setting was a welcome relief for all Americans and a hopeful sign that we have turned a significant corner with the COVID-19 pandemic. But the announcement included an important caveat – ...
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Your State No Longer Requires Face Coverings in the Workplace – But Should You Continue To Mandate Them?

As the COVID-19 pandemic (mercifully) starts to retreat, many states have begun rolling back face-covering mandates, which often relieve employers of the obligation to require masks for employees and visitors in the workplace. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommends their use in most workplaces, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ...
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Your Employees Are Vaccinated – Now What?

COVID-19 vaccinations passed the 200-million mark in the United States last [month], which means certain workforces might have the majority of employees fully vaccinated. In recent months, we’ve discussed guidance from the EEOC and California’s DFEH regarding COVID-19 vaccine mandates, vaccine incentives, tracking employee vaccinations, and even vaccine passports. However, the question remains — what measures can employers take once employees are ...
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