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5 Things All Businesses With Child Guests Should Include in a Child Protection Policy

Children and vulnerable adults (i.e., adults with disabilities who need assistance with self-care) face unique threats because of their inability to recognize and protect themselves from danger. Organizations that have direct or even indirect contact with children or vulnerable adults should create and adopt a child protection policy and related training program to better safeguard ...
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Travel Safety: Use of Vehicles as Weapons

It’s happened again-this time in Barcelona, on the popular tourist and historic street known as Las Ramblas.  A man using a van as a weapon careened down one of the two narrow side streets that border the wide pedestrian path and used it as a missile of sorts, killing 14 innocent people and injuring up ...
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Cloud Control: Data Security Hazards and How to Avoid Them

Cloud computing, virtually nonexistent 15 years ago, is now verging on being the rule rather than the exception in the business world. According to the Gartner technology research firm, by 2019, more than 30 percent of the 100 largest vendors’ new software investments will have shifted from cloud-first to cloud-only, and by the year 2020, ...
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First Look at Google SOS Alerts

Social media does a good job of delivering information quickly, but with so many sources – both official and unofficial – it is difficult to find the right signal in all the noise. When a crisis occurs, travelers don’t have time to sift through mountains of information to find what they need. Google’s new service, SOS ...
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Summer is Here! Protect Yourself From the Heat

With summer upon the Northern Hemisphere, the first heat waves have already caused disruptions. Excessive heat watches have been issued for southwestern US states and southern UK. While the range of temperatures are vastly different in both areas (43 C in the US compared to 33 C in the UK), it’s important to keep in mind that individuals ...
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Workplace Violence Occurring At Alarming Rate: Time For Employers To Be Proactive

It’s a news headline we’ve seen too often, including several times in recent weeks: another disgruntled employee or former employee has entered the workplace and killed or injured coworkers. What can you do to minimize the chances that your workplace will suffer such a tragedy? Employers Should Avoid “Wait-And-See” Approach Often the employee assailant previously ...
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President Trump Sets New Standards for Cybersecurity

President Trump has issued a much-anticipated executive order (EO) on cybersecurity. The order requires all federal executive agencies to adhere to a single security framework and is intended to improve the nation’s defenses against pervasive cyberattacks. In light of this order, clients may ask more pointed questions about the security policies and procedures that a ...
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Cybercrime and Data Breach a Rising Threat to all Employers

Over the past six months, we have observed a significant uptick in inquiries about data breach and other cyberthreats from area businesses.  We are asked about pursuing claims for recovery of funds lost due to fraud by hacking, state notification procedures in the event of a data breach affecting employees, and general questions about how ...
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Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking the Doors

Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking Doors The ransom demand arrived one recent morning by email, after about a dozen guests were locked out of their rooms at the lakeside Alpine hotel in Austria. The electronic key system at the picturesque Romantik Seehotel Jaegerwirt had been infiltrated, and the hotel was locked out ...
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Binary Treachery: Defending Yourself from Attacks Coming at the Speed of Light

It seems these days that not a month goes by when one does not hear about a major company’s network infrastructure being hacked. Major retailers (including bars and restaurants), insurance companies, payment systems and even Experian, the credit reporting agency, have been victims of cyber attacks resulting in the theft of the personal information of ...
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