Safety & Security ( Page 12 )

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The London Grenfell Tower Fire Will Provoke Soul-Searching and Hopefully, Reforms

Nearly 16 years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the world has seen a proliferation of new skyscrapers, reaching heights heretofore unheard of. In spite of the horrific images of that day that linger in the minds of citizens worldwide, construction of new “superstructures” continues unabated. This month, we take a look at measures ...
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Workplace Violence Occurring At Alarming Rate: Time For Employers To Be Proactive

It’s a news headline we’ve seen too often, including several times in recent weeks: another disgruntled employee or former employee has entered the workplace and killed or injured coworkers. What can you do to minimize the chances that your workplace will suffer such a tragedy? Employers Should Avoid “Wait-And-See” Approach Often the employee assailant previously ...
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TSA Warns of Vehicle Ramming Attacks

This past week, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) disseminated a report on the increasing frequency with which extremists are utilizing trucks and other vehicles as weapons by ramming them into pedestrians or other public gatherings of people. The document, titled “Vehicle Ramming Attacks: Threat Landscape, Indicators and Countermeasures” was sent to local law enforcement ...
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Cybercrime and Data Breach a Rising Threat to all Employers

Over the past six months, we have observed a significant uptick in inquiries about data breach and other cyberthreats from area businesses.  We are asked about pursuing claims for recovery of funds lost due to fraud by hacking, state notification procedures in the event of a data breach affecting employees, and general questions about how ...
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TSA Under Pressure from Congress – Again

TSA Under Pressure Robert Freeman of Cozen O’Connor reports on the pressure felt by the TSA from Congress. The TSA is facing distrust from a number of “committee members from” the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform regarding their operations. The actions in question include “systematcially classifiying potentially embarassing documents as (SSI) to cover ...
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The “Active Shooter” or Mass Shooter Subject Profile

Another day, another mass shooting in the US: We can blame it on a number of factors, from the proliferation of guns in the urban and suburban environments to socialization factors or on the effect of violent videos, movies and even game “apps” for smart phones. A number of explanations of the phenomenon have been ...
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Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking the Doors

Hackers Use New Tactic at Austrian Hotel: Locking Doors The ransom demand arrived one recent morning by email, after about a dozen guests were locked out of their rooms at the lakeside Alpine hotel in Austria. The electronic key system at the picturesque Romantik Seehotel Jaegerwirt had been infiltrated, and the hotel was locked out ...
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Unsung Heroes of Hospitality – Security Directors

We often take the role of our security directors for granted. While most of us in hospitality focus our efforts on finding ways to enhance our guests’ comfort (and make more revenues!), we can only do so in an environment where both safety and security are assured. After all, this is a department where reports ...
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Help Fight Human Trafficking: a business travel New Year’s resolution

You might not realize it, but business travelers are in a unique position to be a line of defense in one of the world’s greatest tragedies: the crime of human trafficking. Because of the element of travel, the world of the business traveler and human trafficking victims overlap in surprising number of areas. Due to ...
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