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White House Says Employers Should Do These 8 Things When Using AI at Work

The White House just provided employers with a series of best practices that you should consider when using artificial intelligence for workplace purposes. The May 16 Fact Sheet, crafted in conjunction with the Department of Labor, doesn’t carry the weight of law – but could be relied upon by courts and others in these early ...
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New York Lawmakers Aim to Close Loopholes in NYC’s AI Bias Audit Law and Add Teeth to Workplace Protections

At least two proposed bills pending before the New York State Legislature would force employers to conduct bias audits and provide high levels of transparency if they use AI-fueled automated employment decision tools for employment decisions. This is something that NYC’s first-in-the-nation bias audit law was supposed to accomplish but in some ways fell short. These ...
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Ransomware Costs Businesses Record-High $1 Billion in 2023: Your 5-Step Plan to Prevent Attacks in 2024

2023 was the most devastating year yet for ransomware attacks, with businesses forking over $1 billion in ransom payments for the first time ever – and 2024 is expected to be even worse. Beyond the payments, the average cost of each ransomware attack last year was over $5 million. Given these unprecedented statistics, ransomware attacks ...
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Robotic hand pressing a keyboard on a laptop 3D rendering

AI Notetaking Tools Are All the Rage – But Should You Use Them? Employers Should Weigh These Risks First

Perhaps you’ve asked an employee to take notes during a Zoom meeting, but they complained the task is difficult to manage while collaborating with teammates. Maybe you intended to document everything that transpired during an important call about a new strategic plan, but conversations moved too fast to track. Artificial intelligence can be a valuable ...
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7 Steps to Upskill Your Workforce for the AI Era

How prepared is your workforce for the ongoing AI revolution? It’s not about replacing humans with robots – it’s about reshaping the roles of your employees. As Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab recently said, “In the new world, it’s not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast ...
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