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Business Use of E-Scooters Presents New Challenges for Employers

Eric Lazzari needed to get across downtown for a meeting and decided to use an electric scooter, according to The Denver Post. He knew the law, and was properly operating the e-scooter on the sidewalk. While stopped at an intersection, an angry pedestrian approached him, told him e-scooters didn’t belong on the sidewalk, and smacked ...
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Would You Like Fries And A Political Opinion With That? Regulating Employee Buttons, Pins, And Insignia In The Workplace

Burgers and buttons are making headlines again. Employees at Burgerville—a fast-food restaurant chain in the Pacific Northwest—recently took to wearing buttons to work and were sent home for the day. These buttons were not your typical “Hi! My Name Is ______” fare. Instead, 10 Burgerville employees in Oregon showed up to work wearing buttons which ...
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Winter Is Coming…So What Should Employers Do To Prepare?

As readers of epic fantasy novels and viewers of a certain cable TV-show know all too well, winter is most definitely coming. Your radio is already playing holiday music, the shiny decorations are already out in malls and retail stores, and your coffee shop is serving you drinks in red cups. The signs are obvious, ...
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Boosting Team Morale And Productivity In Your Hospitality Business

The success of your hospitality business relies on the strength of your team. Happy and engaged employees who feel strongly part of a team are more likely to perform well and achieve best results. For example, highly-engaged employees achieve twice the annual net income of organizations with poorly-engaged employees, Forbes reports. In the hospitality industry, ...
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Court Finds that Restaurant Complied with California Law by Requiring Employees Purchasing Discounted Meals to Eat their Meals on Premises

In California, generally an employer may not employ a non-exempt employee for a work period of more than five hours per day without providing the employee with a meal period that may be taken off the premises. Yet, in the restaurant industry employers often provide employees free or discounted meals to be eaten on the ...
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Hiring Minors in the Heat of the Summer: What Employers Need to Know

Summertime is quickly approaching and ’tis the season for beach vacations, fun in the sun, and summer hires—many of which will be under the age of 18 years old. In anticipation of summer hires, employers may want to familiarize themselves with the federal laws outlining child labor restrictions. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), ...
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Why Employee Engagement Is Vital for Success

  By Michele Sarkisian Given that hospitality employs one in 11 people in the United States, the topic of employee engagement is certainly relevant to the industry. Travel choices, whether business or leisure, are often discretionary and subjective. If the realized experience does not match or beat expectations, the customer may choose differently in the ...
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How To: Get Employees Involved with Your Pest Control Program

Pest issues can arise in food service establishments for a variety of reasons, from incoming shipments and landscaping to sanitation and facility maintenance. That’s a lot of ground to cover for one person, so the most successful pest control programs involve a team approach. Your employees are the eyes and ears of your establishment and ...
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