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Chicago Passes Short-Term Rental Ordinance

The City of Chicago enacted an ordinance that regulates Chicago’s shared housing and vacation rental industry (shared housing ordinance). The shared housing ordinance imposes regulations, registration and licensing requirements, booking surcharges, and reporting requirements on short-term residential rental intermediaries and advertising platforms. Hosts that operate more than one short-term rental in Chicago are also subject ...
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New IRS Safe Harbors for Publicly-Financed Properties Help Hotel Industry

The IRS recently issued new guidance on safe harbor provisions in management contracts for publicly-owned, bond-financed properties. These safe harbor provisions affect a variety of real estate assets including hotels and other privately managed public properties. On August 22, 2016, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2016-44, which provides new guidance on safe harbor provisions for management ...
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Time to Act – Employers Have Fewer than Six Months to Comply With New Federal Overtime Exemption Rule

By: Paul Bressan and Ruth Seroussi On May 18, 2016, the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced its much-anticipated final overtime exemption rule under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), as tasked to do by President Obama in 2014. The DOL received more than 270,000 comments since it published its Notice of Proposed Rule ...
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Detecting and Neutralizing Terrorist Plots in Europe Requires Greater Integration of Intel and Police Agencies

Europe suffered yet another horrific terrorist attack last month, this time in Belgium.  ISIS-inspired, radicalized, young European men placed multiple explosive devices in a departure terminal of the Zaventem International Airport in Brussels, causing massive loss of life.  They simultaneuosly blew up a commuter rail car packed with passengers.  The attacks, coordinated among disenfranchised Belgian ...
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Limiting Employees’ Hours to Dodge the ACA’s Employer Mandate Could Violate ERISA

In a move that brings many employers’ fears closer to fruition, a federal district court recently ruled that an employee may proceed with a class action lawsuit alleging that her employer violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when it reduced employees’ hours to avoid incurring increased costs under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ...
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Alcoholic Beverage Industry: Three-Tier System

The U.S. Alcoholic beverage industry is very complex and highly regulated, and the laws currently in place find their roots in the time of prohibition and its repeal. Prohibition (18th Amendment to the US Constitution) was repealed through ratification of the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution in 1933 and the FAA  (Federal Alcohol Administration) ...
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