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Recent Trends in Hotel Violence, Insurance, and Legal Liabilities

“A hotel has a duty to adopt reasonable security measures to protect guests from foreseeable harm. Foreseeability can be established from past circumstances that are likely to be repeated.” Judge Karen Morris, “Hotel security requires vigilant attention,” Hotel Management, 19 August 2019. In this brief, Jeff M. Moore, PhD, will discuss recent trends in hotel ...
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The London Grenfell Tower Fire Will Provoke Soul-Searching and Hopefully, Reforms

Nearly 16 years after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the world has seen a proliferation of new skyscrapers, reaching heights heretofore unheard of. In spite of the horrific images of that day that linger in the minds of citizens worldwide, construction of new “superstructures” continues unabated. This month, we take a look at measures ...
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The “Active Shooter” or Mass Shooter Subject Profile

Another day, another mass shooting in the US: We can blame it on a number of factors, from the proliferation of guns in the urban and suburban environments to socialization factors or on the effect of violent videos, movies and even game “apps” for smart phones. A number of explanations of the phenomenon have been ...
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Detecting and Neutralizing Terrorist Plots in Europe Requires Greater Integration of Intel and Police Agencies

Europe suffered yet another horrific terrorist attack last month, this time in Belgium.  ISIS-inspired, radicalized, young European men placed multiple explosive devices in a departure terminal of the Zaventem International Airport in Brussels, causing massive loss of life.  They simultaneuosly blew up a commuter rail car packed with passengers.  The attacks, coordinated among disenfranchised Belgian ...
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Senators Propose More Security After Terror Attacks

Because of the recent surge in terrorist attacks, Democratic senators propose more security at airports and other transportation hubs. According to Joan Lowy of The Associated Press, the proposal would include increasing government “viper teams” that are used to search suspicious passengers before screening. The goal in the new initiative would be to increase the ...
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It’s Never Been So Important – See Something, Say Something

See Something, Say Something          After the horrible terrorist attacks in Paris and a few weeks later, in San Bernardino, law enforcement officers and intelligence officials around the world are understandably concerned about possible future attacks.  These public servants sacrifice immensely, doing their best every day to try and keep us safe.  ...
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The Paris ISIS Commando Made Use of Sophisticated Weaponry, Technical Expertise and Strict Operational Security

The world has witnessed once again a horrific terrorist attack on European soil.  It comes as the third attack in France so far this year, having been preceded by the bloody Charlie Hebdo office and Kosher supermarket attack in January and the Paris-bound train attack in August.  That attack, in which no one died, was ...
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Popular Hotel in Somalia Is Bombed by Militants

By MOHAMMED IBRAHIM and JEFFREY GETTLEMAN MOGADISHU, Somalia — Islamist militants stormed a popular hotel in the heart of Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, on Sunday, blowing up the front gate with a car bomb, shooting guests and hotel workers, and then battling with security forces from the hotel’s rooftop for several hours. Somali government officials said ...
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Gun Violence in America

Bottom Line Up Front: While terrorism dominates U.S. political and foreign policy concerns, the threat posed by domestic gun violence—from a statistical standpoint—far outweighs the threat of terrorism within the United States With over 30,000 gun-related deaths a year (less than half of which are murders, and the rest suicides and accidental deaths), the United ...
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