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Employers Should Prepare for Wave of COVID-Related Wrongful Death Lawsuits

The latest projections estimate that nearly 300,000 Americans will die from COVID-19 by the end of 2020. Many of those individuals will be employed when they contract the virus, and a significant number will be workers in front line businesses such as retail, manufacturing, or healthcare, where the risk of exposure is significant. Faced with ...
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The New Breed of Business Traveller

The business traveller after Covid-19 will be very different. Not only will their travel be subject to new restrictions and safety measures, they will also look different. That’s because we’re likely to see a significant shift in the demographic of people who travel for business. Why and what is the impact of this? Emanuele Scansani ...
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4 Common COVID-19 Misunderstandings That Could Place Your Company At Legal Risk

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued constantly changing guidance for employers that many view as complex, confusing, and impractical. In its perplexing web of guidelines, the CDC recommends that your company take several actions to protect workers from contracting COVID-19, like self-isolating sick employees, quarantining exposed employees, screening employees ...
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Confronting Misinformation During COVID-19

Rise of the ‘infodemic’ The Coronavirus pandemic has been accompanied by an unprecedented ‘infodemic’, according to the World Health Organisation. The huge volume of misinformation covers the causes of the virus, conspiracies around the actions of public bodies and unverified treatments and preventative measures. This onslaught of inaccurate information began relatively early on. A survey ...
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Reopening Closed Buildings: Legionella and Other Health Risks

Reopening a closed building, or portions of a building, after an extended shutdown can be more complicated than just unlocking the doors and turning on the lights.  The unprecedented shutdowns and reduced operations at a wide variety of commercial buildings and structures, ranging from office buildings and retail stores to hotels and restaurants, as a ...
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Face Mask Policy Leads To COVID-19 Lawsuit Against Texas Restaurant

Claiming that her employer prohibited her from wearing a face covering at work despite federal recommendations and local orders that such coverings should be worn by employees, a Texas cook just sued the restaurant that she says took her off the schedule after she objected to the company policy – and scored a victory in ...
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Managing Travel Risk in a Pandemic

There are no modern precedents for the speed and scope with which COVID-19 has disrupted virtually every aspect of human interaction. Within these disruptions are the tectonic shifts impacting how people travel. For the moment, managing travel risk is relatively straightforward, as it’s incredibly difficult to travel internationally. As restrictions are eased and governments unlock ...
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Threat of Contracting COVID-19 on an Airline is Low

The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to fears that infected airline passengers could spread the disease to everybody else on the aircraft. These fears are largely unfounded, and disease transmission on a commercial airliner is relatively rare. Although the risk of contracting COVID-19 on a commercial airliner is low, the COVID-19 pandemic is having an ...
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CDC Recommends Face Masks: What Employers Need To Know

Now that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) has recommended that the public wear cloth face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we anticipate that employees will increasingly seek to use face masks in the workplace. Employers that do not normally provide face masks or other protective equipment should keep in mind that the ...
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