Yearly Archives: 2013

Damages Measured By Lost Profits or Lost Business Value?

In commercial litigation matters, including contract disputes, intellectual property infringement, fraud and unfair competition or negligence claims, a primary role of a financial expert is to quantify economic damages that may have been suffered by the plaintiff or to defend against such claimed damages. Economic damages are meant to restore the plaintiff to the financial ...
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Bar and Nightclub Industry: Liquor, Security and Identification Standards

The bar and nightclub industry looks so glamorous.  So much money to be made, so much fun and so much….(fill in the blank). Yet when you look beyond the smiles and bright lights, the hospitality industry is a business like any other.  The big difference is that bars and nightclubs sell alcohol, which makes them ...
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That Contractor May Be Your Employee

Employers tempted to outsource work to independent contractors in order to curb payroll costs should carefully consider the legal implications before doing so. Such arrangements are likely to violate the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), as well as federal tax and state laws. Employers who violate the FLSA face liability for payment of back wages ...
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Charting a Course for Renewed Airline Consumer Loyalty

Click here to download the report. Deloitte’s Travel, Hospitality, and Leisure practice is pleased to announce our new report, Rising above the Clouds: Charting a course for renewed airline consumer loyalty. In this report, we explore the state of loyalty in the airline sector. Our findings suggest that an undifferentiated one-size-fits-all approach to loyalty improvement will ...
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Exemptions and Credits that Result in Savings for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry

I’m pleased to introduce guest author Katie Nguyen, a CPA from local accounting firm, Clark Nuber. Katie specializes in state and local taxes for the hospitality industry and has offered to share her experience and knowledge with the Duff on Hospitality readers. Welcome, Katie, and thank you for today’s post on some important tax incentives available to Washington’s ...
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Cyber Security Risk in a Social Media World

The theft of intellectual property from the U.S. is “unprecedented,” and costs the nation an estimated $300 billion each year, according to the IP Commission Report, issued in May.  Worse, corporate employees—through their information sharing practices—are making it easy for IP thieves. Sharing information is now the way of business and social life. Companies have ...
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Increases to Minimum Wage by West Coast States Are On the Up and Up

As fast food workers across the country stage walkouts in a push for a $15 hourly wage and the Obama administration renews its call to boost the federal minimum wage, states on the left coast have already embraced employee-friendly increases. Oregon, the state with the second-highest minimum wage in the country, announced last week that ...
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Crime Pays – A Conversation of Fraud and Recovery

Occupational fraud and crime is a significant and growing exposure for all industries, including hospitality. In recent years, the challenging economy has helped to drive the incidence of these crimes. A study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners: 2012 Report to the Nations) found occupational fraud caused $3.5 trillion ...
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