Yearly Archives: 2015 ( Page 6 )

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Hotels Fight Back Against Sites Like Expedia and Priceline

Co-authored by Julie Weed For years, travelers have been drawn to online sites like Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz and Priceline to find and reserve hotel rooms, flights and rental cars. Hotels welcomed the system — or at least learned to live with it — even though the business came at the cost of substantial commissions. But ...
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Gun Violence in America

Bottom Line Up Front: While terrorism dominates U.S. political and foreign policy concerns, the threat posed by domestic gun violence—from a statistical standpoint—far outweighs the threat of terrorism within the United States With over 30,000 gun-related deaths a year (less than half of which are murders, and the rest suicides and accidental deaths), the United ...
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Alcoholic Beverage Industry: Three-Tier System

The U.S. Alcoholic beverage industry is very complex and highly regulated, and the laws currently in place find their roots in the time of prohibition and its repeal. Prohibition (18th Amendment to the US Constitution) was repealed through ratification of the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution in 1933 and the FAA  (Federal Alcohol Administration) ...
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How To: Get Employees Involved with Your Pest Control Program

Pest issues can arise in food service establishments for a variety of reasons, from incoming shipments and landscaping to sanitation and facility maintenance. That’s a lot of ground to cover for one person, so the most successful pest control programs involve a team approach. Your employees are the eyes and ears of your establishment and ...
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Active Shooter Response Planning

With every news flash of a workplace active shooter incident, now almost monthly, it becomes increasingly evident that organizations/businesses/schools need an Active Shooter Response Plan. Furthermore, this is not a one size fits all challenge. Granted, the plan from one organization or institution to another may have some common reaction guidelines. Most of the active ...
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What the Foiled Train Attack Revealed

Bottom Line Up Front:  The foiled attack on a Amsterdam-Paris high-speed train on August 21 revealed the vulnerability of non-aviation mass transit The incident also revealed the thin line between mass murder and minor injuries that are a hallmark of poorly planned lone wolf attacks; bystanders have very short windows in which intervention is possible ...
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As Minimum Wages Rise, Restaurants Say No to Tips, Yes to Higher Prices

SEATTLE — Restaurant owners, customers and staff have long railed against the tyranny of tipping, but like a love affair gone bad, it has proved difficult to quit. Now, prompted by a spurt of new minimum wage proposals in major cities, an expanding number of restaurateurs are experimenting with no-tipping policies as a way to ...
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