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Charting a Course for Renewed Airline Consumer Loyalty

Click here to download the report. Deloitte’s Travel, Hospitality, and Leisure practice is pleased to announce our new report, Rising above the Clouds: Charting a course for renewed airline consumer loyalty. In this report, we explore the state of loyalty in the airline sector. Our findings suggest that an undifferentiated one-size-fits-all approach to loyalty improvement will ...
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Cyber Security Risk in a Social Media World

The theft of intellectual property from the U.S. is “unprecedented,” and costs the nation an estimated $300 billion each year, according to the IP Commission Report, issued in May.  Worse, corporate employees—through their information sharing practices—are making it easy for IP thieves. Sharing information is now the way of business and social life. Companies have ...
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How to Serve Alcohol at a Company Party Without Getting Sued

With the holidays right around the corner, many businesses will host festive company outings and events for their employees, including parties at the office—and often these celebrations include alcohol. Employers need to understand the legal parameters of having alcohol in the workplace in order to establish a safe, responsible and enjoyable work environment for their ...
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Strike on Syrian Facilities Could Result in Radiation Release

In a statement on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich voiced concerns that a U.S. attack on Syria’s nuclear facilities may result in a radioactive event that would pose a health risk to the region. On behalf of the Russian government, he recommended that the U.N. prepare a risk analysis to address this possibility. ...
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