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Comprehensive And Updated FAQs For Employers On The COVID-19 Coronavirus

LAST UPDATED: April 13, 2020 Fisher Phillips has assembled a cross-disciplinary taskforce of attorneys across the country to address the many employment-related issues facing employers in the wake of the COVID-19 coronavirus. The COVID-19 Taskforce has created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, which has been continually updated since first published on March 3 and ...
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Resources to Combat the Coronavirus

This ConvergeBlog post features several articles that provide valuable information about COVID-10, or the Coronavirus. It is our hope that these articles can assist the travel and hospitality industries to combat the virus and manage the risks that come with it. We will continue to add links with updated information and valuable tips For more ...
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people in white medical face mask

Pandemics and the Lodging Industry

As of the writing of this article, the Coronavirus pandemic is only a few weeks old, yet it is clear that this event is already having a significant impact on the travel industry. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the virus, now known as COVID-19, a global health emergency, and individual governments have imposed ...
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hand passing bomb to another hand

Passing the Buck: How to Successfully Transfer Risk to Third Parties

When claims are made against your company, one of the quickest ways to clear that loss from your company’s books is to transfer the risk to a third party. A good Risk Transfer Plan can not only remove the risk of indemnity, but it can also prevent expensive litigation costs and attorney’s fees. Indeed, a ...
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Virus bacteria hitting business stocks

Insurance Coverage for Losses Stemming from the Coronavirus

The coronavirus has not only sickened tens of thousands of people, killed several hundred, and disrupted life for millions, but has also sharply impacted the second-largest economy in the world. Many Chinese companies have suspended operations, and international companies like Starbucks, Apple, McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut have closed their stores in Wuhan and elsewhere. ...
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Two people face to face wearing masks

How Employers Can Respond to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (“2019-nCoV” or “coronavirus”) is a respiratory illness that, with its spread to the United States, is raising important issues for employers. This guide explains the outbreak, the legal implications of it, and how employers should be responding now to employees who might have the virus, are caring for affected family members, ...
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Recent Trends in Hotel Violence, Insurance, and Legal Liabilities

“A hotel has a duty to adopt reasonable security measures to protect guests from foreseeable harm. Foreseeability can be established from past circumstances that are likely to be repeated.” Judge Karen Morris, “Hotel security requires vigilant attention,” Hotel Management, 19 August 2019. In this brief, Jeff M. Moore, PhD, will discuss recent trends in hotel ...
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Wildfire Severity Factors and Risk Mitigation Tips

A wildfire is considered any unwanted or unplanned fire burning in forest, shrub, or grass. Wildfires are one of the most destructive natural disasters that exist and occur year-round all over the world. Some of the most common areas susceptible to wildfires are as follows: Western US: August – December Southeastern US: October – December ...
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How Business Travelers Can Guard Against Polluted Air

Traveling for business means exposure to potential risks such as political unrest, terrorist attacks, medical crises—and air pollution. As outlined in BCD Travel’s Inform report, Air Quality and Business Travel, only half of the 100 most visited cities worldwide have clean air. Below are tips and tricks business travelers can use to guard against the harmful effects of air pollution. ...
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New Jersey Becomes First State To Require Panic Devices In Hotels

New Jersey recently enacted legislation that requires hotels with at least 100 guest rooms to provide panic devices to certain employees. The purpose of the Panic Device Law is to protect hotel employees, often required to clean and cater to rooms on their own, from sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other unsafe working conditions. It ...
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