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Effectively Using Social Media At Trial

The process begins with obtaining information via requests for production, interrogatories, requests for admissions, depositions, etc. If used effectively, social media discovery can become an effective defense strategy that will withstand objections and scrutiny at trial. Social media evidence is important information to explore, especially considering most people (Plaintiffs) tend to have no filter when ...
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U.S. Companies Still Grappling With GDPR

Several months after the European Union’s (EU’s) new sweeping privacy law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, 2018, U.S. companies are still struggling to understand the implications for their businesses. This article highlights some of the key threshold issues that companies should consider in analyzing the potential ...
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The Unique Challenges of Data Security in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry has been in the news frequently over the past year as a result of multiple and significant data security incidents. Nationally recognized hotel and resort brands continue to suffer by cyber-attacks, including theft of payment card data from their retail and food/beverage outlets, and at times theft of guest data from reservations ...
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The Most Aggressive Privacy Law in the U.S.: Tracking the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

Signed into law on June 28, 2018, the California Consumer Privacy Act provides the most comprehensive and aggressive privacy law in the United States — despite being pushed through the legislative process in one week. The California State Legislature will reconvene from Summer Recess on Monday, August 6, and it is expected to reevaluate the ...
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Alcohol Advertising in the Digital Age

Introduction Suppliers and retailers of alcoholic beverages advertise their respective products and offerings in a wide variety of digital outlets. Questions arise as to how the complex legal landscape of alcohol regulation applies in these digital spaces. Advertising media include social network services (e.g., Facebook), video sharing sites (e.g., YouTube), blogs, and smartphone applications. In ...
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Is Your Company Car Exposing Sensitive Data To Hackers?

If your business is like most others, you probably store a lot of sensitive data in an electronic format. And if your business takes proper precautions, you probably utilize sophisticated cybersecurity systems to prevent the hacking of such data. You likely also require your employees to password-protect their phones, and perhaps even download security software ...
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Russian Hackers and Spanish Spyware Apps: The latest in FIFA 2018 Cybersecurity News

June 13: FIFA fans beware: If you attend the World Cup, and plan to take any form of computer or device with you, you are likely to be hacked. In fact, 72% of cybersecurity professionals anticipate an attack during the World Cup, which takes place in Russia over the next month. William Evanina, Director of ...
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New Wave of ADA Website Lawsuits

Recently, there have been a slew of lawsuits filed across the country alleging that owners and operators of hotels and other places of lodging are using websites that violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). These lawsuits are different than the wave of lawsuits and demand letters sent to so many hotels and other places ...
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Virtual Kidnapping in the US and Mexico

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies in the United States have issued several warnings related to virtual kidnapping in recent months. This extortion technique has become more prevalent in the US and Mexico since 2013, where the number of reported cases has increased substantially. What Is Virtual Kidnapping? In a virtual kidnapping, ...
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Employee Training is Key to GDPR Compliance

The EU’s General Data Protective Regulation (“GDPR”) goes into effect on May 25, 2018. It is a mammoth regulation and perhaps the most significant European data protection legislation in more than 20 years. In fact, the European Commission just released a new website to help stakeholders, including businesses, with implementation. With its global reach, applying to any ...
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