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Is Your Employment Practices Liability Insurance Covering the Right Risks?

While no employer is immune from employment-related lawsuits, particularly in a sluggish economy, the hospitality industry faces unique, yet recurring, challenges in terms of employment-based claims – and thus is particularly reliant on employment practices liability insurance (EPLI). Because the hospitality industry is among the leaders in workplace diversity, discrimination claims based on race, gender, ...
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Political Risk Insurance for Businesses Operating in Russia and Ukraine

Given recent events, there is an increased interest in political risk insurance in Russia and Ukraine. However, it also appears that insurers have stopped underwriting political risk insurance, at least for exposures in Ukraine for the time being, and many insurers are declining to quote on Russian exposures, or are subjecting new inquiries to greater, ...
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Insurance Recovery for Business Interruption & Slowdown

What happens when a hotel suffers property damage, whether by natural disaster or man-made accident, and is forced to close some or all of its rooms, amenities or services? It is important to understand how insurance can protect you from the resulting financial loss. In addition to potential recovery for property damage from your property/casualty ...
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Maximizing Insurance Recovery For Employee Crime

Employee theft is a significant source of loss in the hospitality industry. Reports have found that 34% of employees in the 18-–29 age bracket believe that stealing from their employer is justifiable. It is believed that as much as one-third of all restaurant failures are due, in significant part, to theft by employees, and the ...
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Insurance Coverage for Hotels Facing Fungi and Bacteria Claims

One nightmare scenario faced by hotel and resort executives is dealing with the former guest who claims that he or she contracted a fungal or bacterial illness at their establishment. True or not, the last thing that a hotel or resort wants associated with its name is “fungus” or “bacteria.” Yet with the increasingly widespread usage of social media and anonymous access ...
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