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Colleagues are celebrating the end of the year

Ten Tips to Avoid Your Holiday Party Resulting in a Fa-La-La-La-Litigation

They say, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year,” but if you are a business owner, in-house counsel or HR professional, this can often be the most stressful time of the year, especially when it comes to hosting company parties. Such celebrations at this time of year, although well intended, can land your company ...
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Businesswoman using laptop in the departure area at airport

Using Public Wi-Fi While Traveling? Here’s How to Protect Yourself

Learn about the security risks associate with using public Wi-Fi and review practical tips to ensure your digital safety while on the road. In a world where staying connected is paramount, public Wi-Fi spots have become ubiquitous. These convenient networks offer an instant gateway to the online world, where you can connect with family and ...
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Robotic hand pressing a keyboard on a laptop 3D rendering

AI Notetaking Tools Are All the Rage – But Should You Use Them? Employers Should Weigh These Risks First

Perhaps you’ve asked an employee to take notes during a Zoom meeting, but they complained the task is difficult to manage while collaborating with teammates. Maybe you intended to document everything that transpired during an important call about a new strategic plan, but conversations moved too fast to track. Artificial intelligence can be a valuable ...
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Ransomware Malware Attack. Business Computer Hacked. Security Breach

Are cyberattacks an OSHA Issue?

As technology evolves, unfortunately, so do ways to hack that technology. The recent cyberattacks in several casinos in Las Vegas are just one recent example of the growing concern about cyberattacks on businesses and the tremendous consequences and liability that may result from such attacks. Could OSHA be one such concern? At first blush, any ...
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Businessman sticks out a finger and reproves it.

Threat of Harm to Others — What’s an Employer to Do?

An employee who operates a forklift begins to act erratically. While he had always been a solid performer, his judgment is off, and he is quick to become angry. The supervisor fears he might injure someone. What should the employer do? One step the employer must take is to determine whether the errant behavior is ...
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Body of an Airplane Flying Through Dark Clouds

Travel Risk Practices for a Dynamic World

Even in destinations with seemingly low risk, it is essential for corporations to have robust travel risk management protocols and response plans in place as part of their duty of care obligation to their workforce. Fires swept across the Hawaiian Island of Maui, causing substantial damage to property, and tragically, a significant loss of life. ...
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Retaliation claim lying on the desk with gavel.

5 Tips to Avoid Workplace Retaliation Claims

Employers know how important it is to comply with workplace anti-discrimination laws – but equally important is ensuring that employees who complain about perceived discrimination are not retaliated against for doing so, even if the underlying claim is never proved. Why is this so important? Retaliation is the most common type of claim filed with ...
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Important documents in files placed in the filing cabinet

10 Reasons Why It Is Critical For Employers To Get OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Right — And How to Ensure It is Done Right

Although OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting has always been important from an OSHA compliance perspective, making correct recording and reporting decisions (i.e., not over- or under- recording or reporting) has never been more vital than it is today. We are at a moment in OSHA’s history when the agency is clearly staffing up ...
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Avoiding Workplace Violence: Tips And Best Practices For Hospitality Employers

Whether internal or external, violence in the workplace is an increasingly problematic issue that employers must learn to effectively minimize and prevent. This is even more important in the hospitality industry, given the constant interaction with the public, the high rate of turnover, and the added responsibility of dealing with available cash. It is imperative ...
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Understanding Risk Associated with Vaccine-Preventable Diseases While Traveling

When it comes to public health, one of the easiest ways to avoid becoming susceptible to disease that is widespread in many populations is to ensure that you’re vaccinated against diseases that are preventable. Authorities can mandate certain vaccine programs to keep their citizens healthy; however, vaccine programs face many challenges. People opt out of ...
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