Daily Archives: July 31, 2015

Helicopters and Evacuations at High Altitude

If you’re responsible for creating your company’s plan to evacuate mobile employees for medical, meteorological, or geopolitical reasons, consider altitude when developing your strategy. You should review a number of factors, but focus especially on your evacuation vehicle of choice—and remember, helicopters don’t fly quite so well at high altitude. Ever since Igor Sikorsky created ...
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4 Factors to Consider in Nuclear Incidents

In March 2011, a tsunami crippled Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima I nuclear power plant. With critical equipment offline, the plant suffered multiple nuclear meltdowns and discharged a substantial amount of radioactive material; this earned it a Level 7 “Major Accident” rating on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES).  After being somewhat contained ...
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Reconciling Airbnb with Duty of Care for Corporate Travel

Worldwide phenomenon Airbnb (and others like VRBO and HomeAway), the website that allows people to rent out lodging spaces (typically privately-owned residences), has established itself as a disruptive force in the hospitality industry. It allows travelers to enjoy unprecedented flexibility at substantially reduced costs, and via a proven profile rating system has earned itself a ...
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N.fowleri Infections Update

Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba common to warm bodies of fresh water, including lakes and unchlorinated or poorly chlorinated swimming pools. This amoeba can infect the human nervous system and induce a lethal form of encephalitis when a victim insufflates contaminated water deep into the nasal cavities; while infection is relatively rare, only one percent ...
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Security Reminders for the Fall From the Institute for Security Executives

Summer is coming to an end, and with that change of season come many things that deserve some security and safety reminders. Primarily, school and work schedules will return to more predictable patterns. Allow a little more time to go to work; school zones and buses will be active again. Watch out for those kids ...
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