Yearly Archives: 2015 ( Page 15 )

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Studies on Restaurant Food Handling and Food Safety Practices

Beef Grinding Logs Study Objective: To describe recordkeeping practices of beef grinding activities in retail establishments. Study Results: We surveyed 125 establishments and where available, reviewed grinding records. We found that less than half of establishments kept grinding records. Only 22% of records had all data needed for effective traceback (e.g., grind date and time, ...
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How Leakage Affects Your Travel Program

Despite a travel management company’s (TMCs) daily efforts to create the best possible travel program for your business some bookings still go astray. Sometimes travelers won’t book through your preferred channel or they’ll book their own choice of hotel over the internet. When this happens, gaps start to appear in your data and your reporting. ...
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Compliance in Corporate Travel

How well do your employees follow company guidelines for business travel? Are there areas in your travel program where improved compliance could save you more? As demand for air travel and accommodation increases and market conditions continue to change, traveler compliance will become even more important for corporates keen to maintain control of their travel ...
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Does Your Hotel or Resort Use Non-Compete, Non-Solicitation or Non-Disclosure Agreements? Should It?

Imagine that your hotel has hired a sales staff to develop conference or resort business. You have paid that sales staff to develop relationships with companies, travel agents and other key people. After years of work and expensive networking, 30 percent of your revenue is now tied to those relationships. Those contacts and relationships are ...
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What’s on the Menu?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently released two final rules for menu and vending machine labeling. “Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items in Restaurants and Similar Retail Food Establishments” significantly expands FDA’s regulatory reach into restaurants and beyond. The rule stems from the Affordable Care Act and the compliance date is Dec. 1. FaegreBD ...
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Like It or Love It: How Not to Get Pinned (Legally) When Using Social Media to Promote Your Brand

Twitter®, Instagram®, Facebook®, Pinterest® and other social media websites and apps are great ways to interact with friends, family and potential customers. They are great avenues for advertising and promotion of one’s business and brand. A brand owner can share their latest offerings, get people excited about new products, develop brand awareness, etc.—the possibilities are ...
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DOJ Further Delays Release of Highly Anticipated Proposed Website Accessibility Regulations for Public Accommodations

For those who have been eagerly anticipating the release of the U.S. Department of Justice’s proposed website accessibility regulations for public accommodations under Title III of the ADA (the “Public Accommodation Website Regulations”), the wait just got even longer.  The recently released Spring 2015 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions reveals that DOJ’s Public Accommodation Website Regulations ...
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